Witticism: Bright Fair promotion of local identity and culture.

A 26ª FACECO, event that for three days, promoted the Alentejo, the genuineness and roots, It led to Sao Teotonio, county of Odemira, 30 thousand. The local authority, organizer, “We are very pleased with the results achieved”.

Witticism- José Alberto_800x800The Municipality of Odemira, met the town council and in contact with journalists, promoted the balance of the 26th edition of FACECO, held in Sao Teotonio, county of Odemira.

Jose Alberto Guerrero, president of the Mira River Village City Council began by saying that he was delighted to “feel that people are satisfied by the way the space was filled event”, adding that all spaces “They were very popular”, concluded.

The mayor explained that the number of fair visitors, It is “the perspectives of the 3rd thousand people, arguing that “this is standard fair”, rejecting that continue “not to gamble on large musical groups to have more entries”, synthesized.

“We want quality and the bet is in the cultural identity of the region. We want to stress that this is one of Alentejo roots with predominance of people and local products”, Jose Alberto Guerrero ended.

The mayor recalled that the first time the fair was attended by 13 Government elements, which appreciates the importance of the event and ended the time that politicians failed the card”, concluded.

About the Deputy Minister of the presence of the Prime Minister, Eduardo Cabrita, President of the Chamber Odemira, He explained that this is the way “to make ourselves heard and expose our concerns and to feel our desire to overcome the problems of accessibility, Cheers, justice and planning of tourism management and agriculture”, He defended.

Jose Alberto Guerrero, revealed the availability of local authority, in partnership with the Government, “establish a resource sharing program to solve the major problem of accessibility in the municipality”, arguing that it is necessary “complete a state started there 6 years for new roads”, finished.

“We do not have IP's or IC's and hit by good access. It makes no sense to speak of Beja airport to transport the products produced in the county, including fruit and vegetable, no we do not have roads to get there”, concluded.

On health, the mayor revealed that “Last month we lost 4 doctors and are willing to give advantages that others here are setting”. Jose Alberto Guerrero revealed that it has scheduled a meeting , with Emergency character, with the Minister of Health.

The mayor revealed that the Municipality of Odemira and Limousine Breeders Association (ACL) They will sign a lending protocol, for the transfer of surface rights, of “a building for the new ACL national headquarters in Odemira and to cement the level of race research”, finished.

For editing 2017 da FACECO, the president of the municipality ensured that “the next challenge is to make an economic impact study of the fair in the region”, as it will now be done in the Southwest Festival.

Teixeira Correia


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