Witticism: Fair gives attention to youth. In between S.Teotónio 17 and 19 July.
The FACECO - Fair of Cultural and Economic Activities of the Odemira Municipality, scheduled for days 17, 18 and 19 July, S. Teotonio, will give this year special attention to youth, providing a space entirely dedicated to young people - Space OJovem, where there will be gatherings, information sessions, computer games and lots of fun.
On 17 July, by 16h00, held a session on "The Experience in European Voluntary Service / Erasmus ", It is scheduled for 20h00 a demonstration of Capoeira and musical entertainment, activities promoted by the Center for Environmental Cabaços.
On 18, 11.00am, in the auditorium of FACECO, held training for association leaders, coaches and volunteers on the Erasmus Programme / NOW, driven ANIMAR, in partnership with ADMIRA - Association for Integrated Development of the Mira Region. By 16h00, a presentation will be held also on the Erasmus / Youth in Action, for young people of the county.
On Saturday, by 16h00, in the auditorium, held an outreach session on Portugal Program 2020 – incentives for youth, the Mutual Agricultural Credit Cash S. Teotonio.
On the last day of FACECO, Sunday, by 20h00, the OJovem Space will receive a Story Time and the presentation of the Book “Micro-Contos”, the author Odemirense Fernando Guerreiro, in partnership with ADMIRA.
During the three days of the fair, will lead to a Lan Party, in partnership with ProjetoST. Space OJovem still receive a Painting Exhibition young authored Coal João Pedro. By the Youth Space will be a skateboard ramp, by Radical Skate Club, It is held demonstrations and learning support.
Sport is another dominant note in FACECO, with Jiu Jitsu, Martial Arts, Football Tournament, Mini Handball Tournament for duiker, minis and child and Football Tournament for pesky and petizes, without forgetting the real amusement park, with several inflatable, Space FACECO Kids.