Three years later, the last edition was in 2019, is back to FACECO, keeping the Iberian Limousine Race Contest as a great bet. 1º Medronho Contest, aims to boost a product of excellence.
It is scheduled for day 22, 23 and 24 July, S. Teotonio, the next edition of FACECO - Fair of Cultural Activities and the Economic Odemira Municipality, promoted by the municipality of Odemira.
livestock, tourism, handicraft, gastronomy and an intense entertainment program will be the strengths of the event that will once again mark the agenda of the region, after two years of interregnum.
On return from this event, the news could not be missing, highlighting the Iberian Limousine Race Contest, changes in the organization of spaces, reinforcement of the animation offer, the Creative Market space and the promotion of the 1st FACECO Medronho Contest.
As marks the tradition of the fair, local handicrafts will have a wide exhibition area, with the presence of dozens of artisans working live. Also the livestock sector, the Limousine cattle breed will be in highlight, with the holding of the National Competition and the Iberian Competition, promoted by the Portuguese Association of Limousine Beef Breeders.
So that the experience of those who visit this Faceco 2022 be significant, There will be activities for all audiences and ages, from music, Theatre, Sing Alentejo, gastronomic tastings, sports and lots of children's entertainment.