Ferreira do Alentejo: Screening carrying heavy oil, is injured slightly.
Spanish heavy goods, carrying oil, He flipped in IP8, in the future access to the A2 roundabout, next to Malhada Velha, Fig Knights (Ferreira do Alentejo). It is the second in less than 24 hours.
Um individual 46 year old, Spanish nationality, driver of a heavy goods lorry carrying oil, suffered minor injuries, following the vehicle's screening, and was transported to the Emergency Department of Beja Hospital, where have been discharged.
The accident occurred at about 07,25 hours in the Main Route (IP) 8, the access roundabout to the future of the A2 section portajado, near Old Malhada Estate, Figueira parish Knights, Ferreira do Alentejo county, Corcolis Rafael being the sole occupant of the vehicle.
Despite the GNR be to investigate the causes of the accident, it would appear that excessive speed is at the origin of the screening, due to the braking access to roundabout, to which was added the load movement inside the cylindrical tank.
The vehicle belonging to a Spanish company of transport in bulk and made the oil transfer from one mill in Spain, for a plant in the Lisbon area.
At the entrance rotunda, the tractor turned right, but due to the speed the trailer swung in the opposite direction, tapping his shot from the left side on the curb, leading to rollover, spreading the load across the pavement.
Source of the fire told Lidador News (LN) the driver will admitted that "came driving by GPS and compared with the fog that hit that area, He was surprised by the existence of the roundabout ", concluded.
Heavy is still facing in IP8, It is traffic roundabout to be done, alternately, via the north / south. On site were 17 operating of Ferreira do Alentejo Fire, GNR and Portugal Infrastructure, supported by 7 Car.
This is the second heavy goods registration and Spanish drivers who flipped over in less than 24 hours in Beja district roads, after yesterday, cerca the 15,05 hours on the highway (IN)122, at km 44,7, near the Estate of Cela, in the MĂ©rtola municipality, a vehicle carrying miner, have left and face serious injury to the driver.
Teixeira Correia