Ferreira do Alentejo: Two accidents involving Porsche cars made one dead and one seriously injured.

A dead, one seriously injured and two minor injuries was the tragic toll of two accidents occurred yesterday at kilometer 196 Highway South (A2), to 09.55 hours and 11.55 hours, between the nodes of Grândola and Aljustrel, an area belonging to the municipality of Ferreira do Alentejo.

A2- Acidentes_800x800The first screening resulted from the crash of an automobile Porsche Carrera Turbo 3.8, French tuition, which resulted in the death of the passenger and serious injury to the rider, the latter and Portuguese nationality. Manuel Luz, of 43 year old, INEM was transported in a helicopter to the Hospital of St. Joseph, in Lisbon, que aterrou na A2, in a state considered as "very critical".

The body of another man, It was taken to the morgue of the Hospital of the Alentejo Coast, in Santiago do Cacém, where it entered as unknown, for not having any identification, but it seems that is also Portuguese.

The car circled the north / south direction, and everything indicates a rate well above the 120 kms permitidos, crashed to the kilometers 195,5, wrenched 50 meters of steel protection rails, It flew about 30 meters, going to fall in the ditch separating the two carriageways, and pirouettes was stay 200 meters from where went off the road, is ending with fire.

The violence of the crash was such, the Porsche Carrera was losing pieces along the way, having gone the gearbox stop the opposing group (Sul / Norte). Turn the driver's side door, flew to the right side falling off of the road. The two pieces were more than 150 local meters where the car froze. The tin amalgam and the small size of the rest of the car, most seemed to be facing a small-Smart.

About two hours after the first accident, inattention of a driver Spanish nationality traveling in the opposite direction (Sul / Norte), at km 196,8, It caused a collision between the leading car, um Fiat 500 and the rear of another vehicle Porsche, conducted by a Portuguese citizen.

The men suffered minor injuries, having met on site by the doctor and nurse of VMER of Santiago do Cacém, first accident that has occurred.

Antonio Martinez, 55 year old, Dealer nuts, traveling from Huelva (Spain) to Pegoes, He confessed to the military of the GNR to have been "distracted by looking at the helicopter", and beaten on the back of Emanuel Correia car, of 38 year old, resident in Vilamoura.

The Spaniard abeirou from the Portuguese and apologized for what happened. "I am very sorry to have caused the accident. I looked at the helicopter and hit him ", taking then started crying and said: "At least I'm alive". According to him confessed since leaving Huelva up to the crash site would have delayed an hour and half, which testifies to the high speed at which circulated.

The driver will also disobeyed the military directions, who were on the A2 to signal the first accident, to slow down the speed and would also talk on the phone.

Emanuel Correia, He said that "I heard a brake, I felt the impact and the car jumped against the rail's ", concluded.

The Porsche broke the rear suspension on the right side and remained static in the left lane, while the Fiat, He went off the road and flipped turned turned laterally on the outside of the road ditch, the driver having left the vehicle tailgate.

The traffic was closed in the North / South direction, to take-off the helicopter, What happened to 11 hours, while the range in the south / north direction was closed, from the time of occurrence of the accident until the second 12 hours.

Relief effort were involved 9 operating of Grândola Fire, supported by 4 Car, VMER the Hospital of the Alentejo Coast, or do INEM helicopter, six vehicles and 14 operating the Beja Traffic Detachment and Subdestacamento of Grândola the GNR and several Brisa Car.

Teixeira Correia


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