Ferreira do Alentejo: commits suicide in police mother's house with service weapon.

Antonio Broa, 42 year old, married, father of two girls, District Command agent Beja PSP, placed at the beginning of last night to life term, using the service weapon. ASPIG / GNR issues a statement of condolence.

bread Policia_800x800Resident in Ferreira do Alentejo, was service in the Police Station to the Beja 07,00 hours. Cerca the 20,15 hours, in mother's house, I told the mother that would rest, He lays down and the service pistol shot himself in the head.

The action will have been premeditated taking into account that left all the PSP material tidy bags. Arms, chargers, belt, handcuffs, stick, boots and work uniforms. The main uniform was hanging neatly on a hanger in the wardrobe door.

They are not yet known reasons that led the agent to put an end to life.

Francisco Passinha, delegate in Beja of Socio-Professional Association of Police (ASPP), It proved to be "shocked and saddened" and defined the colleague as "a good police and a straight-laced guy". Antonio Broa was a member of the ASPP and Passinhas reveals that "had invited to be our representative", concluded.

The atmosphere in the squad is great consternation Beja, where immediately attended the District Commander, Superintendent Adílio Custodio, to learn about the successful.

Antonio Broa, I was placed in the Beja Squad, but before I had passed by the Criminal Investigation Police (EIC). This was the second case of suicide of a PSP officer in the District Command Beja. The former occurred about twenty years.

On site were military's Criminal Investigation Center of GNR, 3 operating of Ferreira do Alentejo Fire, supported by two cars.

The body was removed to the Medico-Legal Office of Beja Hospital, where it will be autopsied.

It is recalled that last day 3 March, Minister of Internal Affairs announced the completion of a study to evaluate, more rigorously, the causes of suicide in the security forces and admitted an enhancement to the GNR and PSP.

In 2015, They were recorded eight suicides in PSP. In 2011, seven agents put an end to life. na GNR, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there have been 11 suicides in 2008 is at 2009 eight cases. The last year, there were seven suicides.

Socio Association – Independent Professional Guard (ASPIG) issues statement:

It was with great dismay that the Member Association – Independent Professional Guard (ASPIG), He received the news of the death of another PSP officer, the district command Beja, today (12/05/2016) put an end to life (suicide) using a firearm. this association, expressed to the family of former agent of PSP, Antonio Broa, the most heartfelt condolences.

Teixeira Correia


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