The Municipality of Castro Verde will promote a public tribute to the memory of José da Luz Revés Pereira and Carlos Fernando Sales Contreiras, farmers and historical leaders of the Association of Farmers of Campo Branco, who died very recently.
This evocation will take place on Friday, day 31 March, 18:00, opening day of the 4th edition of the Festival Sabores do Borrego, initiative that values ​​agriculture and the entire rural world of Campo Branco, in which José da Luz Pereira and Carlos Contreiras played a fundamental role, since its inception in 2018.
That way, Castro Verde City Council understands that the Sabores do Borrego Festival is the time and place to publicly declare our heartfelt gratitude and recognition to José da Luz Pereira and Carlos Contreiras, for all the contributions given to our territory, as well as for the permanent availability and public service demonstrated.
Sponsored by the Municipality of Castro Verde, Festival Sabores do Borrego takes place from 31 of the March 2 of April and counts on the partnerships of the Association of Farmers of Campo Branco and Grouping of Livestock Producers – Carnes do Campo Branco S.A., and the sponsorship of Caixa de Crédito AgrÃcola Mutuo.
The municipality of Castelo Branco is the “special guest” of the Sabores do Borrego Festival that takes place in Castro Verde de 31 March, a 2 April.
The presence of the delegation of the Municipality of Castelo Branco in the village of Castro Verde and at the Festival Sabores do Borrego, where the council will be represented with an institutional stand, making your story known, gastronomy, traditions and economic activity. It is closely linked to the important partnership established between Associação Ovibeira – Association of Agricultural Producers and the Association of Farmers of Campo Branco (AACB), that will allow to bring to Castro Verde several activities that will make known the merino breed of Beira Baixa and its main agricultural projects in that territory.
parallel, the traditional culture of Castelo Branco will also be present through the presentation of the Grupo Arame Ensemble – Viola Beiroa and das Chibatas – Traditional Percussion Group from Castelo Branco, in two distinct musical moments. in another domain, the award-winning chef from albicastrense Mário Ramos will also be in Castro Verde, in a showcooking session to be held at the festival.