Air Force: Plan involves the transfer of C295 to Beja, such as Epsilon.

Plan involves the transfer of C295 to Beja and search and rescue helicopters for Sintra. Instructional aircraft Epsilon, which they are now in Sintra return to base where he has been, a BA11.

According to the newspaper “Public”, there is already agreement on the peaceful coexistence of military aircraft and civilian flights in the future Montijo Airport. The Air Force will displace a squadron to the base and another Beja to Sintra, and that the making of these changes will be the 115 million.

The amount will be paid by ANA – Airports Portugal, the French group Vinci, although not yet know what form (at once and when or in installments).

Therefore, das actuais esquadrilhas que se mantêm actualmente sedeadas na base área n.º 6, Montijo, apenas a dos helicópteros Lynx, Navy, ali remain. A esquadrilha dos helicópteros EH101, primarily for search and rescue missions, goes to Sintra. Os C295, transport troops and cargo, They will move to Beja, bem como os aviões de instrução Epsilon, which are now in Sintra and returning to the base which has been.

Mas isso não significa que a base aérea n.º 6 fique deserta. A Força Aérea reserva-lhe um papel importante como futuro destino dos novos aviões KC390 que irão substituir os “velhinhos” Hércules C130. Will be larger aircraft that will have the Air Force, but, surprisingly, the most compatible with civil aircraft.

A mesma previsibilidade se aplica às movimentações dos helicópteros Lynx da Marinha, operating from frigates Vasco da Gama class docked in Alfeite. Já as missões de busca e salvamento dos EH101 são, by their nature, unexpected flights and emergency. So what is destined to Sintra, a base which will substantially helicopters, ao manter também os Alouette.

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