Air Force: Military World Cup cross-country competition at BA11.

Portugal hosts the Cross Country Military World Championship. Test takes place at Air Base No. 11, Beja. The proof is presented today.

Between the days 10 and 14 October, Portugal hosts the 58th edition of the Cross Country Military World Championship, which will take place at Air Base No. 11, in Beja.

Under the aegis of the International Military Sports Council (CISM – International Military Sports Council), this year the organization is the responsibility of the Portuguese Air Force and the Physical Education and Military Sports Commission of the Directorate-General for National Defense Resources.

Sponsored by the Municipality of Beja, In total, more than 400 military 34 countries that make up the CISM.

the presentation of the proof, will be held at a press conference in the UNESCO Center Auditorium, in Beja, this Thursday, at 3:30 pm.

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