Parishes/Odemira: Colos and Vale Santiago will have to give up space and assets to Bicos.

The bill that aims to restore 299 new parishes for the next municipal election. The bill is signed by PSD, PCP, PS, BE, Book e PAN.

In the case of Odemira, Colos and Vale de Santiago already exist, but they will have to give up space and assets to Bicos and, that is why, are included in the list of parishes to be restored.

Aljustrel: Union of Parishes of Aljustrel and Rio de Moinhos, Almodovar: Union of Parishes of Almodôvar and Graça dos Padrãos and Union of Parishes of Santa-Clara a-Nova and Gomes Aires, Ferreira do Alentejo: Union of Parishes of Alfundão and Peroguarda and Union of Parishes of Ferreira do Alentejo and Canhestros, Moura: Union of Parishes of Safara and Santo Aleixo da Restauração, Odemira: Colos Parish Union, Bicos e Vale de Santiago, Ourique: Union of Parishes of Garvão and Santa Luzia and Serpa: Union of Parishes of Vila Nova de São Bento and Vale de Vargo.

Infographic from Jornal de Notícias about parishes to be disaggregated:

Teixeira Correia


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