parishes: Eleven processes from the Beja district without changes.

The Local Government Committee of the Assembly of the Republic ratified the working group's votes, in respect of the breakdown of parishes in the district of Beja.

Da votação inicial grupo de trabalho há mais doze desagregações depois da alteração de votação do PSD, mas nenhum diz respeito aos quatro processos rejeitados no distrito de Beja. Apesar da votação de terça-feira ainda não ser definitiva, uma vez que todos os processos serão votados em plenário da Assembleia da República mo dia 17 January.

According to the document to which Lidador Notícias had access, manteve-se a aceitação das propostas das Assembleias Municipais de Aljustrel, Almodovar, Ferreira do Alentejo, Moura, Ourique e Serpa e rejeitadas as de Castro Verde, Odemira e Moura, esta proposta pelos eleitos de Santo Amador. No caso de Santa Vitória e Mombeja, in Beja county, a menos não foi qualificada como processo. With the approval of the eight proposals, 8 new parishes.


Aljustrel – Proposal to disaggregate the Union of Parishes of Aljustrel and Rio de Moinhos- (voting: Favorable-PSD, PS, PCP, CDS/PP e Chega).

Almodôvar – Proposal to disaggregate the Union of Parishes of Almodôvar and Graça dos Padrão- (voting: Favorable-PSD, PS, PCP and CDS/PP and A Favor-Chega).

Almodôvar – Proposal to desegregate the Union of Parishes of Santa-Clara-a-Nova and Gomes Aires- (voting: Favorable-PSD, PS, PCP, CDS/PP e Chega).

Ferreira do Alentejo – Proposal for desegregation Union of Parishes of Alfundão and Peroguarda- (voting: Favorable-PSD, PS, PCP e CDS/PP e A Favor- Enough).

Ferreira do Alentejo – Proposal for desegregation Union of Parishes of Ferreira do Alentejo and Canhestros- (voting: Favorable-PSD, PS, PCP, CDS/PP e Chega).

Moura – Proposal for desegregation Union of Parishes of Safara and Santo Aleixo da Restauração- (voting: Favorable-PSD, PS, PCP, CDS/PP e Chega).

Ourique – Proposal for desegregation Union of Parishes of Garvão and Santa Luzia- (voting: Favorable-PSD, PS, PCP e CDS/PP e A Favor- Enough).

Serpa – Proposal to disaggregate the Union of Parishes of Vila Nova de S. Benedict and Vale de Vargo- (voting: Favorable-PSD, PS, PCP, CDS/PP e Chega).

Rejected- Does not meet the conditions: Castro Verde – Proposta de desagregação da União de Freguesias de Castro Verde e Casével- (voting: Counter-PSD, PS, Chega e CDS/PP, Favorable-PCP). Rejected for “not meeting the conditions”: The number of voters is lower than the fixed number, Moura – Proposal to disaggregate the Union of Parishes of Moura (Saint Augustine and Saint John the Baptist) and Santo Amador- (voting: Counter-PSD, PS, Enough and CDS/PP and Favorável-PCP). Rejected for “not meeting the conditions”: A proposta de desagregação não respeita as condições em que as freguesias foram agregadas e Odemira – Proposta de desagregação da União de Freguesia de Bicos, Colos and Vale of Santiago- (voting: Counter-PSD and Enough, Favorable-PCP and A Favor-PS). Rejected for “not meeting the conditions”: The disaggregation proposal does not respect the conditions under which the parishes were aggregated.

Does not qualify as a process: Beja- Proposal for desegregation Union of Parishes of Santa Vitória and Mombeja- (It was not considered as a process)

In 2013, with the reform imposed by the then PSD/CDS-PP government, with the “Relvas Law”, the Beja district lost 25 percent of its parishes, passing 100 to 75. With the approval of the eight proposals, 8 new parishes, in the next municipal elections, the district of Beja will now have 83 parishes.

Presidents of unions with three terms cannot run for separate parishes.

Das oito uniões de freguesia do distrito de Beja que vão desagregar-se, there are four whose presidents are serving their third term and cannot re-apply for the presidency of the parishes that will separate.

Contrary to what happened in 2013, presidents of parish unions who are now serving their third consecutive term, will not be able to run for president of parishes that separate from the one they have led since then.

Freguesias do distrito de Beja que vão a ser desagregadas, presidents and terms
Aljustrel (1):
UF Aljustrel and Rio de Moinhos-António da Luz Nascimento (PS) 1th mandate, Almodovar (2): UF Almodôvar and Graça dos Padrãos-Domingos Romba Guerreiro (PS) End of term, UF Santa Clara-a-Nova and Gomes Aires-Dário Martins Guerreiro (PS)-2th mandate, Ferreira do Alentejo (2): UF Alfundão and Peroguarda-Carlos Bonito Raposo (PS) End of term, UF Ferreira do Alentejo and Canhestros-José João Cavaco (PS) End of term, Moura (1): UF Safara and Santo Aleixo da Restauração-Francisco de Almeida Candeias (PS) 2th mandate, Ourique (1): UF Garvão and Santa Luzia-José António Nunes (PS) End of term and UF Panóias e Conceição-Nádia Sofia Lima (PS) 1th mandate and Serpa (1): UF Vila Nova de São Bento and Vale de Vargo-Manuel Luís Nunes (CDU) 1th mandate.

The precept is written into the law of 2021, which defines the breeding regime, modification and extinction of parishes and clarifies the rules on limiting the successive renewal of mandates. The National Elections Commission (CNE) Haven't even debated the issue yet.

Teixeira Correia


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