parishes: PCP proposes reanalysis of the failed cases in Castro Verde and Moura.

The PCP delivered on Wednesday around fifty proposals for additions to be voted on in plenary, in the case of the district of Beja, the leads of Parish Unions of the municipalities of Castro Verde and Moura.

The idea is to include parishes whose empowerment process was rejected by the parliamentary committee on Local Power.

The PCP amendment proposal, delivered “on top of” the vote, signed by deputies Alfredo Maia, Paulo Raimundo, Paula Santos and António Filipe present the same justification score for all processes, where he argues that: “a vast group of parish assemblies and municipal assemblies approved processes aimed at the disaggregation of parishes, subsequently submitted to the Assembly of the Republic for consideration.

The PCP considers that all processes instructed, approved and forwarded by the legitimate bodies of democratic local power to the Assembly of the Republic must be considered in this procedure”, which include the Union of Parishes of Castro Verde and Casével and the Union of Parishes of Moura and Santo Amador.

Replenishment of our parish (Santo Amador – Moura)

The committee that developed the replacement process for our parish (Santo Amador – Moura) andsent a document in which he appealed to the parliamentary committee and the deputies of the Assembly of the Republic so that they could vote in favor of the proposal to restore the parish of Santo Amador “in order to respect the will of more than 80% of voters in the parish and to remedy the injustice of disproportionate aggregation of locations.”

The commission explains that “our process was one of the few that was proposed by voting citizens. To carry out the process we brought together more than 700 signatures, 283 of residents of Santo Amador (83% of voters at the registration station) and more 400 of voters residing in Moura, who jointly support the restoration of the parish. The process of replacing the parish of Santo Amador was approved by the Parish Assembly the 16 December 2022 and immediately sent to the Municipal Assembly. The maintenance of this Union of Parishes of Moura and Santo Amador, which brings together a village of little more than 300 voters to a city that will have 8000 population, It contains within itself a demographic disproportion that is perfectly penalizing for the smaller agglomeration and a great injustice and democratic setback”, justify.

Teixeira Correia


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