Garvão: fair returns from 12 a 14 May.

After the Feira do Porco Alentejano and before Ovibeja, there are already dates for the Garvão Fair and the XXVII Agricultural Exhibition.

Of 12 a 14 May, Ourique City Council once again converges with the Alentejano Pig Breeders Association (ACPA) and the Union of Parishes of Garvão and Santa Luzia to give expression to a boil of emotions, realizations and meetings of Mundo Rural and many visitors.

The Fair is Garvão agricultural exhibition, are the producers of meetings, the clarification sessions, contests of native breeds, auctions, tastings, musical entertainment and a unique atmosphere, convivial, of accumulated knowledge and sense of the future.

After the success of the popular participation in the Feira do Porco Alentejano and a great moment of affirmation of the marks of our identity, Garvão will be another point of convergence for those who maintain a strong commitment to the Rural World and its productive potential.

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