It's back to Feira de Garvão. Of 6 a 8 May 2022, Garvão hosts the XXVI Agricultural Exhibition, one of the greatest and most traditional expressions of our commitments to the Rural World.
After the Alentejo Pig Fair and Ovibeja, the Rural World of Baixo Alentejo will exercise its splendor at the 26th edition of Feira de Garvão and at the Agricultural Exhibition, stage memories, convergences and affirmation of a production capacity which has boosted the local economy and the resilience of those who work and live off the land.
Between 6 and 8 May, the Municipality of Ourique joins the Alentejo Pig Breeders Association (ACPA) and to the Parish Councils of Garvão and Santa Luzia to give expression to a swarm of emotions, output and rural world we meetings and many visitors. You will all be very welcome., the Garvão and Ourique!
The Fair is Garvão agricultural exhibition, are the producers of meetings, the clarification sessions, contests of native breeds, auctions, tastings, musical entertainment and a unique atmosphere, convivial, of accumulated knowledge and sense of the future.
The registration period for participation in the Fair will run to 18 April, candidates may present their intention by email (, mail or in person at the Information and Communication Office of the Municipality of Ourique.