GNR: Citizen alert for new regulations in force at Covid-19.
GNR is attentive to the gathering of people and consumption of alcoholic beverages in public spaces.
The Guarda Nacional Republica alerts citizens to the new administrative regime associated with the declaration of calamity situations, contingency and alert, effective since 00:00 today, 1 July, until 23:59 the next day 14 July.
With the declaration of three different types of situation in mainland Portugal, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, different standards apply, due to geographic location. So, with the exception of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, which is in a contingency situation and still has 19 parishes in a calamity situation, the rest of the mainland national territory is on alert.
in this sense, a GNR, being attentive to the fulfillment of all the norms that result from this regime, remember that, among others, it's forbidden, throughout continental national territory, constituting a misdemeanor: the consumption of alcoholic beverages in outdoor spaces with public access and public roads, except in the outside spaces of the duly licensed catering and drinks establishments for the purpose and the holding of celebrations and other events that involve an agglomeration of people in excess of 20, 10 or 5, depending on whether you are on alert, contingency or calamity, respectively.
Violation of these rules is subject to a fine that varies between 100 and 500 euros, in the case of natural persons, and among 1.000 and 5.000 euros, in the case of legal persons.
We also reiterate the advice of not concentrating people on the public road, more than allowed, corresponding to the failure to comply with a legitimate military order of the Guard to an order of dispersion, the practice of the crime of disobedience.