GNR: ASPIG from performing the operation “Traveling No Hurry”.

The Partner Association - Independent Professional Guard issues a statement which considers that “It is of great folly” be ongoing operation "Traveling without haste" and the campaign Mor "slows the pace".

A ASPIG, at a time when the new coronavirus 19 I had just been declared pandemic, with “alarming levels of propagation and inaction”, by the World Health Organization (OMS) which led the government to impose restrictive measures to "hang" the steady advance of the same, considers it of great folly be ongoing operation "Traveling without Haste" GNR (of 10 a 16 March).

This operation aims to enhance road inspection, with particular focus on the speed control, under the operation “Travel unhurried” and, parallel, the campaign of the National Road Safety Authority(Mor) "It slows the pace".

In the opinion of this association, measures have been taken with respect to preventing / reducing transmission of the virus, namely : monitoring and speed control without interception ( with the exception of cases of high severity), lack of physical transmission of documents between drivers and enforcement agents (data can be "harvested" through reading, by the agent, Document held by the driver).

Also they have reached this association information about the lack of masks and / or disinfectant materials (Handwashing, etc.), in many stations of GNR, which, taking into account the reality of events, It is regrettable.

In a critical moment of public health, the ASPIG can not accept that the military Guard - instead of being engaged in solving such a problem, by assisting the authorities linked to health and creating / running contingency plans in their Units (quarteis) – are the roads to give priority to concerns about the speed and / or mere offenses provided in the Highway Code.

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