GNR / Beja: Between 16 and 22 November halted 16 people and recorded 3 crimes for domestic violence.

A GNR, registration, Beja district, 58 crimes of various kinds, He made 16 arrests, 4 by arrest warrants and 6 for driving while intoxicated.

GNR BT_800x800The Beja Territorial Command of the National Guard released the summary of the activity between 16 and 22 November, where she gave to know the numbers of crime, enforcement actions and road accidents, registered in the areas of action in the district.

With regard to crime data, There registration of 16 arrests, highlighting-se 6 for driving while intoxicated and 3 for lack of legal capacity for driving.

The types of crimes committed, GNR registered 21 crimes against people, and 3 for domestic violence, 20 against property, 16 of which for theft and 1 derision, 7 against life in society, wherein 6 It was for driving under the influence of alcohol, 3 against or State, 2 of which by disobedience and 8 provided in separate legislation, as are the vehicle driving cases without legal authorization and drug trafficking.

In road enforcement actions there to register 2900 controlled vehicles, with 116 speeding, taking 1179 conductors undergone the alcohol test and the log 12 drivers who had a higher rate than required by law, 6 of whom was arrested.

As to the case of administrative offense, They were inspected 1378 drivers, having been produced 419 autos under the road legislation, 8 under the general police and 2 under the supervision of the laws of nature and the environment.

On criminal incidents and complaints to court, the Guard prepared 22 news and notices 36 termination notices / complaints.

Between 16 and 22 November, GNR recorded on the roads in the district 29 road accidents, which resulted 12 injured passenger.

Teixeira Correia


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