GNR: Territorial Command promotes awareness actions "Safe Forest 2020".
The Territorial Command Beja National Guard (GNR) will hold various awareness-raising among the population, in order to promote and encourage good agricultural practices.
The obligation to maintain the fuel management tracks is one of the preventive measures provided for in Decree Law No. 124/2006, of 28 June with current wording, with the aim of reducing the number of rural fires.
The practice most common fuel management consists of cleaning the land, by cutting and removing the biomass existing therein. A correct and timely fuel management, timely and appropriately, It is an essential element for minimizing the risk of fire.
A Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR) It has been exerting enormous effort in carrying out awareness-raising among the population, in order to promote and encourage good agricultural practices and above all convey a message of civic duty in the general prevention to rural fires, on the premise that the forest belongs to everyone and that everyone is up to preserve and protect.
Following the actions taken by GNR, it was found that many lands are still cleaning lacking, for the safeguarding the maintenance of the fuel management tracks and thus contribute to reducing the high number of rural fires.
The lack of maintenance of the fuel management tracks (cleaning of land) an infraction of contraordenacional forum and its officers incur fines 280 € a 10.000€, in the case of individual, and 1.600 € a 120.000€, for legal persons.
The Territorial GNR Beja Command will conduct awareness-raising:
- Morning 9 Feb.: By 10:00 hours, in the municipality of Odemira - Boavista parish of Pinheiros - monthly market Boavista dos Pinheiros - Street Action.
- Morning 10 Feb.: By 11:30 hours, in Vidigueira municipality - town of Vidigueira - School EBI / JI - Frei Antonio das Chagas - room in Action; By 13:00 hours, in Aljustrel municipality - parish of St. John Negrilhos, area of ​​the parish - Street Action; By 14:00 hours, in Mértola - parishes union of Sao Miguel do Pinheiro, São Pedro de Solis San Sebastian and the car - the area of ​​the parish - Action door to door; By 14:00 hours, in the municipality of Almodôvar - parish of the Rosary - area of ​​the parish - Action door to door; By 14:00 hours, in the county of Alvito - Vila Nova da Baronia parish - Vila Nova da Baronia and Rio Sêco the Xerepe - Street Action; By 14:00 hours, in Serpa municipality - Vila parish of St. Benedict - the area of ​​the parish - Street Action.
- Morning 12 Feb.: By 7:00 hours, in Ourique county - Santana da Serra parish - monthly market Santana da Serra - Street Action; By 13:00 hours, in Ferreira do Alentejo county - parishes union Alfundão and Peroguarda - area of ​​the parish - Action door to door.
- Morning 13 Feb.: By 8:00 hours, in the municipality of Almodôvar - parish of Santa Cruz - the area of ​​the parish - Street Action; By 17:00 hours, in Mértola - Pinto Court parish - the parish area - Action door to door.
- Morning 14 Feb.: By 14:00 hours, in the municipality of AlmodĂ´var - Village parish of Fernandes - parish area - Action door to door.
- Morning 15 Feb.: By 8:00 hours, in the municipality of Almodôvar - parish of the Rosary - area of ​​the parish - Street Action; By 10:00 hours, in the municipality of Odemira - parish of Santa Clara a Velha - monthly market of Santa Clara a Velha - Street Action; By 14:00 hours, in the municipality of Beja - parish Baleizão - Herdade da Rabado and Herdade da Quinta de San Pedro - Street Action; By 15:00 hours, in the county of Barrancos - Barrancos parish - the parish area - Action door to door; By 18:00 hours, in Mértola - Santana parish Cambas - Recreational and Cultural Center Picoitos - Living Action.
- Morning 16 Feb.: By 10:00 hours, in the municipality of Odemira - parish of St. Louis - St. Louis of brac fair - Street Action.