GNR: Held 18 people, 11 driving without a license and under the influence of alcohol.

The Territorial Command Beja (CTBeja) of the Republican National Guard detained 18 people, seized various types of narcotics and detected more than three hundred infractions in inspected vehicles.

The actions carried out by the CTBeja military took place between the 7 and 13 March and aimed at preventing and fighting violent crime, road inspection, having been detained 18 people in flagrante delicto, sendo seis por condução sem habilitação legal, five for driving under the influence of alcohol, uma por posse de arma proibida, uma por furto em estabelecimento comercial e uma por violência domestica.

With regard to the fight against drug trafficking, além da detenção de quatro pessoas, They were seized 2837 doses de anfetaminas em comprimidos, 2054 doses of heroin, 146 doses of cocaine, uma dose de haxixe, uma dose de liamba, 2613,57 euro cash, três veículos e uma arma branca (make).

With regard to traffic inspection, in total, the military detected 326 offenses, highlighting-se: 76 for speeding, 31 related to malfunctions in lighting and signaling systems, 25 for offenses related to tachographs, 21 for lack of mandatory periodic inspection, 19 for lack of mandatory liability insurance, 19 related to tires, 14 for driving with alcohol level in blood higher than allowed by law, 7 by missing or improper use of safety belts and / or restraint system for children, 7 for overweight, 6 by misuse of the mobile phone in the course of driving and 1 for driving without legal authorization.

In the accident rate chapter, the military registered 32 accidents on the roads in the district of Beja which resulted in 1 fatality, 3 serious injuries and 2 minor injuries. Foram passados nove autos de contraordenação, destacando-se seis no âmbito da legislação policial e três no âmbito da legislação da proteção da natureza e do ambiente.

Teixeira Correia


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