GNR: Operation Census Senior 2020. In the district there are 3.403.

Beja is the third district with more elderly people living alone or isolated, with 3403 people. Older people reported only in Vila Real and Guarda.

A Guarda Nacional Republicana, during the month of October 2020, carried out the Operation “Senior Censuses”, in order to identify the elderly population, who lives alone, isolated, or alone and isolated, by updating the records of previous editions.

In the “Senior Censuses 2020” operation, GNR signaled 42.439 older people living alone and / or isolated, or vulnerable, because of their physical condition, psychological, or another that may jeopardize your safety.

So, during operation, were realized 34 classroom actions and 3652 actions door to door, covering a total of 20.747 seniors.

The signals are distributed geographically, as follows: Vila Real-5,065, Watch-4.585, Beja-3.403, Viseu-3.402, Faro-3.313, Bragança-3,285, Portalegre-3.104, Évora-2.654, Santarém-2,035, Castelo Branco-1,842, Setubal-1,734, Braga-1.543, Aveiro-1.383, Coimbra-1.334, Leiria-1,090, Viana do Castelo-1,043, Porto-857 and Lisbon-767.

During operation, the military privileged personal contact with vulnerable elderly people, in order to sensitize and alert this target audience to the adoption of safety behaviors that reduce the risk of becoming victims of crimes, namely in situations of violence, mockery, theft and to prevent risky behaviors associated with alcohol consumption, as well as for the adoption of preventive measures to spread the pandemic COVID-19.

From 2011, year it was held the first edition of Operation "Senior Census", Guarda has been updating the geographic database, then created, thus providing better support to our elderly population, which certainly contributes, on the one hand, to create a climate of greater trust and empathy between the elderly and the military of the GNR and, for another, to increase your sense of security.

A GNR, reaffirms in a statement, that will continue to follow the flagged elderly, through regular visits to their homes, in order to carry out more awareness-raising and make the safety assessment, collaborating with other local entities, in the search for a better quality of life for the elderly population, especially the most vulnerable.

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