GNR: Operation “Free Time” oversees transport of children by the end of July.
A Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR) intensifies, between day 08 June and the day 31 July, surveillance to public transportation children, this time of year, moving to the summer places.
Enforcement actions, which will be carried out by soldiers of the National Traffic Unit (UNT) and the various territorial commands, They will be directed to the access routes to the beaches, focusing the same priority to check the specific conditions required for these vehicles and the use of restraint systems by children during transport.
Regarding the Territorial Command Évora, They will be committed 32 military in this operation, divided by 16 Patrols / enforcement actions and awareness to the promoters of travel.
To ensure the safety of children, a GNR alerta que, to be made transport, the following requirements must be met:
1. No transporte efetuado em veículos pesados de passageiros é obrigatória a presença de vigilantes, who is responsible for ensuring the safety of children;
2. As crianças devem ser transportadas sentadas, respecting the capacity of the vehicle and using a suitable restraint system to its size and weight;
3. Devem ser utilizados veículos devidamente licenciados e identificados para efetuar o transporte de crianças.
4. Os motoristas devem estar certificados para efetuar o transporte de crianças.