GNR: Post Barrancos, with new tender for execution of works.

Twenty months after the announcement of the Assistant Secretary of State for Internal Affairs, It was published the second ad for the works of the former barracks of the Fire Department to receive the GNR Tour Barrancos.

A Portaria que permite a abertura de um novo concurso para a realização de uma empreitada de obras públicas para remodelação de edifício do antigo quartel dos bombeiros, for adaptation to the Territorial Office of GNR Barrancos, It was published in the Official Gazette, with an investment a global estimated value of € 287,500.00 (two hundred eighty-seven thousand five hundred euro) plus VAT.

In Ordinance No. 643/2018, signed by Budget Secretary of State Offices and Deputy Secretary of State and Internal Administration, is warranted “the opening of this new process, under the previous procedure aimed the conclusion of a public works contract, public tender, have been desert. In this context it is necessary to open a new procedure of public works contract training”.

It is recalled that last day 13 April 2017 Lidador Notícias revealed that the GNR Barrancos would moved to the old fire station. O edifício receberia obras de melhoramento e adaptação, taking into account that the current post facilities were acquired by the municipality in 1935, by “cheapish” amount of “50 tales”.

In 14 March, a site visit and after a meeting with the mayor, Isabel Oneto, Secretary of State Assistant and for Internal Administration, considered as “priority to work, given the deterioration and the age of the current station building”.

According to found the LN Guard source along, "The change was expected in the investment plan of GNR, Being Infrastructures Division, to draw up the remodeling project for adaptation to put the old fire station ".

The building is owned by the Social Security, that in August 1993, signed an agreement with the City Council in order to use the Volunteer Fire Department Barrancos (BVB). The document was revised in August 2012, authorizing their occupation by GNR, change that would only be achieved after the BVB, occupy the new headquarters, what has already occurred.

The old man put the GNR, located in Church Street, It was acquired by the municipality in 1935, by "modest" and "50 stories", using a loan authorized by ministerial order. The debt was paid during 10 year old, with the last installment was paid in 1946, no value 3.226$10 (next to 16 euros).

Teixeira Correia


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