Hepatitis A: Six cases in Bairro das Pedreiras, in Beja.

The Public Health Unit (USP) do Baixo Alentejo reported, Friday, that there is an ongoing outbreak of hepatitis A, originating in the Algarve, with six cases confirmed in the Bairro das Pedreiras, in Beja.

The Public Health Unit (USP) do Baixo Alentejo reported yesterday that an outbreak of hepatitis A is underway, originating in the Algarve, with six cases confirmed in the Bairro das Pedreiras, in Beja.

In a statement, the Baixo Alentejo Health Unit says it was carried out, as a measure to prevent and mitigate disease transmission, a community vaccination campaign in the Bairro das Pedreiras of 22 a 25 October.

Have been vaccinated 153 children aged up to 18 year old, adds USP, noting that vaccination was targeted at the population indicated in this outbreak and included awareness raising and promotion of preventive measures against disease transmission.

First cases in September

According to USP, the first case of hepatitis A in Bahia was recorded in 18 September and the last, associated with the outbreak in Bairro das Pedreiras (photo of Lidador News file, during the construction of the living space), symptoms started more than a month ago. “Since then, no further cases of hepatitis A have been recorded in the region with an epidemiological link to the outbreak”, concerns, adding that they can, however, cases arise without epidemiological link to the ongoing outbreak.

The USP of Bahia also recalls that the “transmission of this virus in this outbreak is fecal-oral, and how hygienic conditions in schools are good, the probability of transmission in schools is low”

Source: Newspaper

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