Hot Blade 2021: Air Force trains European forces in BA11.

The Air Force (FAP) He made, in your page, the announcement of the realization of the Hot Blade 2021, thus confirming a news advanced by Lidador Notícias in the past day 27 May.

FAP reveals that it organizes the European multinational exercise Hot Blade 2021 (HB2021), of 16 a 30 June, Air Base No. 11, in Beja, within the Helicopter Exercise Programme, the European Defense Agency (EDA).

The HB2021, planned Air Command hair, with the participation of about 1500 military and 26 air means of Portugal, Austria, Slovenia and Netherlands. Advanced air traffic controllers also participate in this exercise. (JTAC’s) from Belgium and observers from Slovakia, Italy and Serbia.

The general objective of the exercise is to increase the interoperability of operations between EDA Member States, exposing participating forces to a complex operating environment, in which they can train techniques, tactics and procedures, preparing them for today's theaters of conflict and humanitarian support missions.

The missions are planned for the central and southern part of mainland Portugal, with the concern to reduce the impact on the environment and on the population.

On the recommendation of the General Directorate of Health, segregated areas will be established and prevention measures implemented, including weekly tests to COVID-19 for all participants, in order to ensure a safe environment for the development of air operations.

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