Fires: Government back to extend the critical period up 31 October.

The Government decided to extend the critical period of fires until next 31 October, under the Defense of Forest Fire Protection System.

It is a further extension. The critical period was initially extended 30 September to 15 October, by order of the Secretary of State for Forestry and Rural Development, given the "exceptional weather conditions”.

According to the new order, This second extension is justified by the fact that the predicted rainfall could "not be expressed in the change of weather accumulated severity index", keeping up, so, a "high state of dryness of fuels".

The amount of water available in the soil, presumably insufficient to raise the moisture content to optimum levels contrary ignitions and the number of rural fire per day, which is above the average of recent years for this period, justify, in the Government's perspective, continuity measures and special actions to prevent forest fires.

During the critical period of fires, in forest or agricultural areas, it's forbidden:
• smoke, naked flames or fires;
• make burning or burned;
• launch rockets and balloons lit mecha;
• ou desinfestar fumigate beehives, unless fumigators sparks are equipped with holding devices;
• circulating tractors, heavy machinery and transport vehicles which have not extinguisher, sparks restraint system flames or sparks and slap the exhaust pipes or chimneys.

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