IP2: Pedro do Carmo asks the Government on highway.

Pedro do Carmo, PS deputy elected by the district of Beja, He questioned the government about blocking access to the old road IP2 between inputs and Castro Verde.

BEJA- IP2_800x800In the framework of parliamentary work in the National Assembly, Mr Pedro do Carmo sent a question to the Government, through the Ministry of Planning and Infrastructure, on blocking access to the ancient road IP2 (highway file photo), between inputs and Castro Verde, which functioned as an alternative route for agricultural machinery and motorcycles.

PS Mr elected by Beja first underlines the territorial extension of the region, maintenance of the road network weaknesses and bottlenecks, not being resolved, constitute problems for the mobility of citizens and economic operators.

In Defense of safeguarding the rhythms of life of citizens and vital accessibility to the rural world, Pedro do Carmo finds it unacceptable that under the IP2 requalification intervention, between inputs and Castro Verde, the entity responsible for intervention has resumed ostensibly cut access to the old road and current alternative access for agricultural machinery and motorcycles.

"With this option, probably without due consideration regarding the impacts for people and for agriculture, the citizens of this region of Baixo Alentejo are required to go to get around the Castro Verde or inputs to access their farms ", He said elected Socialist Party.

The Pedro do Carmo Mr question the government on whether it is aware of this blockade implemented by the entity responsible for road intervention in IP2 and whether to restore the conditions for mobility and accessibility important for the citizens of Castro Verde. Completes the set of three questions asking if, if there are reasons for blocking, they will not be surmountable in the interest of the people and the local economy.

The full text of questions to the Government

Subject: IP2 requalification intervention, between inputs and Castro Verde, cuts off access to the ancient road that acts as alternative access for agricultural machinery and motorcycles.

addressee: Minister of Planning and Infrastructure

Hon. President of Parliament

The territory of the Lower Alentejo is extensive, with a road network that provides maintenance weaknesses and bottlenecks that over the years have posed problems to the mobility of citizens and economic players committed to the affirmation of the Rural World.

In addition to the road infrastructure that have been discontinued by the previous government and the accrued liability for road maintenance the responsibility of Portugal Infrastructure, what is moving on strengthening accessibility, matter what beware the basic conditions for mobility so as not to disappear more difficulties to the social and economic dynamics within the territory.

This safeguard framework of the rhythms of life of citizens and vital accessibility to the rural world, it appears as unacceptable that under the IP2 requalification intervention, between inputs and Castro Verde, the entity responsible for intervention has resumed ostensibly cut access to the old road and current alternative access for agricultural machinery and motorcycles.

With this option, probably without due consideration regarding the impacts for people and for agriculture, the citizens of this region of Baixo Alentejo are required to go to get around the Castro Verde or inputs to access their farms.

Given the above it appears as adversely affecting the dynamics of the citizens of Castro Verde in their mobility needs and the pursuit of activities related to the rural world, in accordance with the rules of procedure, It serves the present to ask the Government, by Minister of Planning and Infrastructure, the following:

  1. Is the Government aware of the reasons that, in the context of intervention in the IP2 between inputs and Castro Verde, They determined the cut access to the ancient road that was constituted as an alternative access for agricultural machinery and motorcycles?
  2. It is obvious constraints to the population, especially for the citizens of Castro Verde linked to agricultural activities, ponders the government intervene to restore the conditions of access to the ancient road that serves as an alternative route for agricultural machinery and motorcycles?
  3. There some reason for blocking, this is not surmountable taking into account the interests of the people and the local economy?

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