IPBeja: 31st International Congress of 21st Century Literacies (ICCL2024).

The 3rd International Congress of 21st Century Literacies (ICCL2024), which will be held on 29 and 30 November 2024, no Beja Polytechnic Institute, aims to promote and rethink literacy in different areas of knowledge as part of the right to education.

In an organization of the Polytechnic Institutes of Beja, Portalegre and Santarém, ICCL2024 will provide a forum, of interest to the scientific community in general, in which reflections will be stimulated on the key skills for exercising informed citizenship, critical and participatory, in a society in constant and rapid change and evolution.

This meeting is intended to provide an opportunity for new scientific collaborations between national and foreign researchers.

The Organizing Committee of the 3rd International Congress Literacies in the 21st Century (ICCL2024), will hold a competition to award the best student communications (degree, master's or doctorate). The prizes will be awarded by the ICCL2024 Organizing Committee and will be offered by ReadyToPub – Author Services Provider.

ICCL2024 also offers two training courses, which will be credited and free registration: Artificial intelligence in Education/ Artificial intelligence in Education; RStudio for Beginners / RStudio for Beginners

More information on https://iccl.ipportalegre.pt/

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