IPBeja: Annulment of the Electoral Process for the election of the Technical-Scientific Council.

The decision was made on Tuesday, based on the fact that the IPBeja presidency considered an “unfounded complaint” from one of the competing lists. It is more “a shot from the aircraft carrier” of an institution that tends not to find understanding.

According to Order No. 138/PIPB/2023 signed by the President and, Polytechnic replacement scheme, Nuno Loureiro, which maintains that “the electoral process has suffered several vicissitudes, that end up jeopardizing its normal functioning”, referring that in question “situations occurred regarding the presentation of the lists” that led to the adoption of measures within the legal time “instead of opting for their immediate annulment”, refer in the document.

In the order it is revealed that “a complaint was presented regarding the decision to admit the electoral lists that calls into question the exemption of the decision-making body in the process”, justifying that the complaint “although unfounded, is enough to call into question the transparency, exemption and regularity of the electoral process and that it directly affects the competence of the decision-making body”, the substitute president deciding that “in the context of the elections of the Technical-Scientific Council (CTC), the annulment of the electoral process, Remata.

In a document that Lidador Notícias had access to, Olga Amaral, Adjunct Professor, Department of Technologies and Applied Sciences, Polytechnic Institute of Beja, member of one of the competing lists contests the decision to annul the electoral act, issued a statement on the dispatch justifying that “it is in itself strange because it nullifies an election process for a body, with all the consequences that come from it, justifying it with a unfounded complaint", adding that “if the process is legally supported, if it is transparent and regular, there is no justification for canceling it”, concluded.

Competitor for the A-List, Olga Amaral refers that “minute no. 1 of the Electoral Commission accepted one of the lists and rejected the other for including an element that does not have active or passive electoral capacity”, stating that the rejected list, “at the stage of complaints of rejection of lists, presented a list in which the irregular element was replaced by another”, later accusing the Electoral Commission: “gathered and decided to accept the list delivered, different from the first, without grounds duly expressed in the minutes, it only mentions that the legal services were consulted without saying what opinion or arguments allowed such an act”, ends.

The representative of the list would deny that it is important not to jeopardize the election and functioning of the CTC and the Institute, suggesting that “the election of the representatives of the other schools to the body be carried out and that the election of the representatives of the Escola Superior Agrária be scheduled after the legality that the admission of LISTA B provoked has been restored”, maintaining that “the responsibility and consequences of the annulment of this election will have to be assumed by those who took them and chose to annul an act that they defend to be legal”, concluded.

Olga Amaral ended the document with a challenge: “IPBeja is the public institution to which we belong and we are all responsible for its dignity”.

Teixeira Correia


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