At the Polytechnic Institute of Beja in the 1st phase of the National Competition for Access to Higher Education (CNAES) They were placed 324 1st choice students.
In percentage terms in IPBeja, there 512 vacancies, They were placed 324 1st choice students, more students were placed in other placements, remaining 188 places, which corresponded to the rate of 63,28 %.
Let's look at the vacancies, placements and places to occupy the four IPBeja accommodation:
Agrarian School (3 courses: 100 vacancies, 8 1st choice placements, 1 other placements, 91 surplus): Agronomy: 53 vacancies), 8 1st choice placements, 1 other placements, 44 surplus, Environmental Engineering: 21 vacancies, 0 placements, 21 leftovers and Science and Technology Food: 26 vacancies, 0 placements, 25 surplus.
School of Education (4 courses: 146 vacancies, 145 1st option placements, 6 other placements, 0 surplus): Audiovisual and Multimedia: 32 vacancies, 31 1st choice placements, 1 other placements, 0 surplus, Social Service: 50 vacancies, 50 placements, 4 other placements and 0 surplus, Sports: 32 vacancies, 32 placements, 2 other placements, 0 leftovers and Basic education: 32 vacancies, 32 placements, 0 surplus.
Of Technology and Management School (5 courses: 205 vacancies, 114 1st choice placements, 13 other placements, 91 surplus): Computer Engineering: 62 vacancies, 18 placements, 44 surplus, Business management: 35 vacancies, 35 placements, 2 other placements, 0 surplus, Solicitors: 41 vacancies, 41 placements, 8 other placements, 0 surplus, Tourism: 39 vacancies, 19 placements, 2 other placements, 20 leftovers and Business management (after working time): 28 vacancies, 1 placements, 1 other placements, 27 surplus.
School of Health Sciences (2 courses: 61 vacancies, 57 1st choice placements, 4 surplus): Occupational Therapy: 25 vacancies, 21 placements, 4 leftovers and Nursing: 36 vacancies, 36 placements, 0 surplus.
For the second phase of access to Superior, whose applications open tomorrow, leftovers 188 vacancies.
Teixeira Correia