At the Polytechnic Institute of Beja in the 2nd phase of the National Contest for Access to Higher Education (CNAES) They were placed 100 1st choice students, There 157 vacancies for the 3rd phase. At the Agricultural School only 3 placing, There 93 spare vacancies. Escola Superior Saúde always “sold out”.
According to data revealed by the Directorate-General for Higher Education (DGES) in the 2nd phase of the National Competition for Access to Higher Education, in IPBeja will be placed 100 students in 257 vague places.
A DGES revelou que no IPBeja foram apurados os seguintes resultados: Vagas 1ª fase- 512, Vagas 2ª fase- 246, Vagas Recolocação- 10, Vagas Adicionais- 1, Candidatos em 1ª opção- 100, placed- 100 e Vagas Sobrantes- 157.
Let's look at the vacancies, placements and places to occupy the four IPBeja accommodation:
Agrarian School (3 courses: 96 vacancies, 3 placements, 93 surplus): Agronomy: 44 vacancies, 3 placements, 41 surplus, Environmental Engineering: 26 vacancies, 0 placements, 26 leftovers and Science and Technology Food: 26 vacancies, 0 placements, 25 surplus.
School of Education (4 courses: 26 vacancies, 2 replacement of vacancies, 28 placements, 2 other placements, 0 surplus): Audiovisual and Multimedia: 10 vacancies, 10 placements, 0 surplus, Social Service: 11 vacancies, 2 replacement of vacancies, 13 placements, 2 other placements and 0 surplus, Sports: 2 vacancies, 2 placements, 0 leftovers and Basic education: 3 vacancies, 3 placements, 0 surplus.
Of Technology and Management School (5 courses: 110 vacancies, 4 replacement of vacancies, 54 placements, 3 other placements, 69 surplus): Computer Engineering: 45 vacancies, 1 replacement wave, 9 placements, 37 surplus, Business management: 6 vacancies, 2 replacement of vacancies, 8 placements, 0 surplus, Solicitors: 9 vacancies, 1 replacement wave, 10 placements, 0 surplus, Tourism: 23 vacancies, 2 replacement of vacancies, 15 placements, 1 other placements, 9 leftovers and Business management (after working time): 27 vacancies, 12 placements, 2 other placements, 23 surplus.
School of Health Sciences (2 courses: 19 vacancies, 2 replacement of vacancies, 21 placements, 0 surplus): Occupational Therapy: 9 vacancies, 1 replacement wave, 10 placements, 0 leftovers and Nursing: 10 vacancies, 1 replacement wave, 11 placements, 0 surplus.
A DGES, lembra que para os estudantes agora colocados, Enrollment and enrollment is carried out between 16 and 18 de setembro junto da instituição de ensino superior.
Vacancies put out to tender in the third stage are disclosed on 23 September on the website of the Directorate General of Higher Education (
Teixeira Correia