IPBeja: Students share academic experience through a series of PodCasts.

Within the scope of the integrated communication strategy, IPBeja carried out, in the last days, a series of interviews with students who are part of each of the CTeSP course committees, of Bachelor's degrees, postgraduate and master's degrees.

What is intended is that, in this brief conversation, students from each Course Committee can convey a testimony of their experience at IPBeja.

Namely with regard to CTESP and Degrees: · share experiences about academic integration when they joined IPBeja.

Conversation about how new students are welcomed into the course they represent; · what do you think of the integration activities that IPBeja prepares every year to welcome new students; · suggestions for other initiatives that could help/facilitate this reception.

Regarding Degrees, Postgraduate degrees and Masters, about: · factors associated with academic success and/or school dropout; · student involvement in research during their academic career; · access to facilities/infrastructure that can contribute to academic success.

This activity is integrated into the InoRIAA project – Innovation to Reduce Academic Failure and Dropout 4Post Covid@IPBeja Access Podcasts in Playlist IPBeja Podcast – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyrwCFlHPXo&list=PL0jKAGvbiKVhHyf0sfatOJIcHHItaUSpU

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