IPBeja: less 23 students to enter this first stage of the competition.
The Polytechnic Institute of Beja has less 25 students placed in 2018/ 2019, the previous year. In 2017/ 2018 They were placed 238 students, this year 2013. IPBeja in the Agricultural School, the 114 vacancies, They were placed 5 students.
The Government through the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, released the results of the National Competition for Access to Higher Education 2018, a list of which can be found at Lidador News.
Consult here placements: IPBeja cna18_1f_resultados
With regard to the Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja) there 531 initial vacancies, os candidatos em 1ª opção foram 147 and placed 213 students, prejudice 321 vacancies.
In total the four IPBeja accommodation, with 15 courses, the 531 vacancies, They were placed 210 students, or equal to 39,54%, there 321 vacancies. Highlighted once again the negative for ESAgrária only had “or interest” of 5 students for 124 vacancies. In continuous opposite pole, many years ago, Nursing Course, that another year admitted students to all existing vacancies.
Let's look at the vacancies, placements and places to occupy the four IPBeja accommodation:
Agrarian School (4 courses: 124 vacancies / 5 placed / 119 surplus): Agronomy: 49 (vacancies), 4 (placed) and 45 (surplus); Environmental Engineering: 25 (vacancies), 0 (placed) and 25 (surplus), Science and Technology Food: 25 (vacancies), 1 (placed) and 24 (surplus) e tecnologÃas BioanalÃticas: 25 (vacancies), 0 (placed) and 25 (surplus).
School of Education (3 courses: 105 vacancies / 56 placed / 49 surplus): Social Service: 49 (vacancies), 27 (placed) and 22 (surplus); Sports: 36 (vacancies), 26 (placed) and 10 (surplus) and Basic Education: 20 (vacancies), 3 (placed) and 17 (surplus).
Of Technology and Management School (6 courses: 242 vacancies / 111 placed / 131 surplus): Solicitors (education system the distance): 27 (vacancies), 14 (placed) and 13 (surplus) Computer Engineering: 55 (vacancies), 11 (placed) and 44 (surplus); Business management: 50 (vacancies), 16 (placed) and 34 (surplus); Solicitors: 40 (vacancies), 43 (placed) and 0 (surplus); Tourism: 40 (vacancies), 29 (placed) and 11 (surplus) and Business Management (after working time): 30 (vacancies), 1 (placed) and 29 (surplus).
School of Health Sciences (2 courses: 60 vacancies / 38 placed / 22 surplus): Occupational Therapy: 25 (vacancies), 3 (placed) and 22 (surplus) and Nursing: 35 (vacancies), 35 (placed) and 0 (surplus).
The results of the first stage of the competition are available on the website of Directorate-General for Higher Education (http://www.dges.gov.pt), It may also be accessed through the access application ES, available in iOS1 platforms and Android2.
Teixeira Correia