IPBeja: Institution closes student residences in August.

The President of the Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja) decided to close the six student residences during the month of August. PALOP students, the main losers, are against the measure. Complaint made to Lidador Notícias reveals the reality.

At stake is a decision by Maria de Fátima Carvalho, issued in an order dated 5 May, in which he decided to close the institution's six residences, where the vast majority of the dozens of students from Angola are housed, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique and who during that month are prevented from living in the spaces they occupy throughout the year.

No document (Order No. 68-PIPB-2023_signed), the president “decides and makes it public” that the six residences will be “closed during the month of August for student accommodation services”, adding that the workers assigned to them “will provide services that are determined by superiors according to the career they have”, not referenced the tasks to be developed.

The head of IPBeja justifies the closure of the facilities with “the need to keep the student residences in operation, because it's school holidays, thus obviating the costs arising from the maintenance of the accommodation, for the good management of resources”, ends.

The Lidador News (LN) received an anonymous tip, where it is stated: “help our fellow international students. The Polytechnic of Beja is leaving them on the street in the summer holidays. They wanted international students and made protocols in the past for us to come to IPB and now they no longer want and do not help”, referred to in the document sent to the editorial office.

PALOP students are against the measure and those responsible for each of the six residences, elected as representatives of the users, were preparing protest actions when they were confronted with an email from the presidency, where it “backtracked on the decision to close the six residences, leaving one in operation during the month of August”. LN spoke with one of these representatives who revealed that “students can enroll in Social Action Services (SAS), proving that they do not have a family in Portugal and have a student status and thus be able to access one of the residences that should remain in operation”, justified our source.

The order that decides to close the residences does not mention, whether the people hired by the SAS as night watchmen for the six buildings perform other tasks, whether they stay at home or are forced to take a vacation.

Also the four schools, land, Education, Technology and Management and Health, will be closed between 7 and 21 August, with the Presidency/Common Services Building I being closed for the entire month.

IPBeja revealed to Lidador Notícias that “in the face of various protocols, the institution has

The SAS-IPBeja, offer 399 beds in 6 IPBeja revealed to Lidador Notícias that “in the face of various protocols, the institution has:

IPBeja revealed to Lidador Notícias that “in the face of various protocols, the institution hasIPBeja revealed to Lidador Notícias that “in the face of various protocols, the institution has 7800-271 Beja, offering 53 double rooms, 8 IPBeja revealed to Lidador Notícias that “in the face of various protocols, the institution has 2 single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs, providing a total of 132 Beds;

single rooms for students with Special Educational Needssingle rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 7800-384 Beja, offering 69 double rooms, 2 single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 1 single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs, providing a total of 142 Beds;

single rooms for students with Special Educational Needssingle rooms for students with Special Educational Needs. single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 53 – 7800 – 453 Beja, offering 15 double rooms and 5 single rooms, providing a total of 31 Beds;

single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs– Historical Center – single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 1 single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 7800-477 Beja, offering 13 bedrooms, of which 9 single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 4 single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs, providing a total of 35 Beds.

single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs– single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs. single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 64 – 7900-511 Beja, offering 23 double rooms, single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 46 Beds.

Children's Residence single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 6 – 7800-495 Beja, providing a total of 13 Beds

Teixeira Correia


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