IPBeja: Fewer placements and fewer vacancies than in 2021.

At the Polytechnic Institute of Beja in the 1st phase of the National Competition for Access to Higher Education (CNAES) They were placed 314 students, less 6 than last year, having also lowered the number of vacancies 511 this year, against 536 in 2021.

In percentage terms, face there is difference in vacancies and placements, in 2022, the percentage increased in 1,74 %, since the number of students who were placed in the CNAES corresponds to 61,44 %, whereas in the past this value was 59,70 %. It is recalled that in 2020/2021 in the IPBeja were placed 323 students, when there were 594 vacancies, what corresponded to 54,37 %.

In Agricultural School (THIS IS TO) the numbers continue to be discouraging and somehow suggest that it is urgent to rethink the strategy that ESA has had in recent years, in view of the weak captivation of students by its four courses. That 125 vacancies, just signed up 6 students, what does it mean 4,8 %, staying 119 places to occupy.

In 2021, the 133 They were placed vacancies 7 students, 6,01 %, wherein 2020 the 150 They were placed vacancies 21 students, what amounted to 14 %.

not total two 16 courses in the four establishments of the IPBeja, in this year's contest with a total of 511 They were placed vacancies 314 students, having left 197 vacancies for the second phase. As already mentioned, ESA continues to “dominate in the negative”, continuing in the opposite pole to Esxola Superior de Saúde that in the Nursing Course, another year admitted all students to the 35 vacancies, to which the Occupational Therapy course is added, that occupied all 25 vacancies.

Let's look at the vacancies, placements and places to occupy the four IPBeja accommodation:

Agrarian School (4 courses: 125 vacancies / 6 placed / 119 surplus): Agronomy: 50 (vacancies), 4 (placed) and 46 (surplus); Environmental Engineering: 25 (vacancies), 0 (placed) and 25 (surplus), Science and Technology Food: 25 (vacancies), 2 (placed) and 23 (surplus) and Bioanalytical Technologies: 25 (vacancies), 0 (placed) and 25 (surplus).

School of Education (4 courses: 130 vacancies / 114 placed / 16 surplus): Audiovisual and Multimedia: 30 (vacancies), 18 (placed) and 12 (surplus), Social Service: 50 (vacancies), 50 (placed) and 0 (surplus); Sports: 30 (vacancies), 30 (placed) and 0 (surplus) and Basic education: 20 (vacancies), 16 (placed) and 4 (surplus).

Of Technology and Management School (6 courses: 196 vacancies / 134 placed / 62 surplus): Solicitors (education system the distance): 30 (vacancies), 30 (placed) and 0 (surplus) Computer Engineering: 60 (vacancies), 21 (placed) and 39 (surplus); Business management: 30 (vacancies), 31 (placed) and 0 (surplus); Solicitors: 20 (vacancies), 20 (placed) and 0 (surplus); Tourism: 36 (vacancies), 29 (placed) and 7 (surplus) and Business management (after working time): 20 (vacancies), 4 (placed) and 16 (surplus).

School of Health Sciences (2 courses: 60 vacancies / 60 placed / 0 surplus): Occupational Therapy: 25 (vacancies), 25 (placed) and 0 (surplus) and Nursing: 35 (vacancies), 35 (placed) and 0 (surplus).

The results of the first stage of the competition are available on the website of Directorate-General for Higher Education (http://www.dges.gov.pt).

Elapses now, between day 27 September and 8 October, the submission of applications to the 2nd phase of the National Competition for Access to Public Higher Education in 2021/2022, at least available 6.393 vacancies, whose results are announced on the day 14 October.

Vacancies occupied the 1st stage of the competition where not completed the registration and enrollment are disclosed on 22 September and the results of the 2nd phase of the national access competition are announced on the 30 of September.

Teixeira Correia


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