According to data released by the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation (MATCH), the Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja), In the general access regime has 519 vacancies, more 7 than last year, in the 1st phase of the National Access Competition (CNA) to public higher education in 2024.
In the legal regime of higher education taught at a distance, no Beja Polytechnic Institute – Higher School of Technology and Management there are 50 vacancies: 45 in the general access regime and 5 in other courses.
Government anticipates in two months information to students about vacancies available in 2025/2026 in higher education institutions, verifying a significant increase in 20% of vacancies in basic education through the National Access Competition, more 204 places, in total 1.197 vacancies.
In the first phase of CNA on IPBEJA, will be 655 vacancies (648 in 2024), and 519 in the general access regime (512 in 2024), 18 in special regimes (18 in 2024) and 118 in special contests (118 in 2024).
The first phase of the CNA begins in 22 July and IPBeja has 512 vacancies in the General Access Regime (RGA), more 25 than last year, in which there was 487. It should be noted that there is more 126 for Special Competitions, making a total of 648 vacancies for 2024/25.
Agrarian School (3 courses: 91 vacancies 2025/ 100 in 2024): Agronomy: 48/ 53-2024, Science and Technology Food: 23/ 26-2024 and Environmental Engineering: 20/ 21-2024.
School of Education (4 courses: 157 vacancies 2025/ 146 in 2024): Audiovisual and Multimedia: 33/ 32-2024 , Sports: 34/ 32-2024 , Basic education: 40/ 32-2024 and Social Services: 50/ 50-2024.
Of Technology and Management School (5 courses: 206 vacancies 2025/ 205 in 2024): Computer Engineering: 61/ 62-2024, Business management: 43/ 35-2024, Business management (after working time): 20/ 28-2024, Solicitors: 45/ 41-2024 and Tourism: 37/ 39-2024.
School of Health Sciences (2 courses: 65 vacancies 2025/ 61 in 2024): Nursing: 37/ 36-2024 and Occupational Therapy: 28/ 25-2024.
According to data from the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation, overall, The public higher education system sets a total of 76818 vacancies, which corresponds to an increase of 691 vacancies compared to 2024. In turn, The private higher education system sets a total of 24980 vacancies, which corresponds to an increase of 956 vacancies 2024.
Teixeira Correia