IPBeja: Expression of Interest for a new student residence selected for the 2nd phase.

The “Expression of Interests” presented by the IPBeja, in partnership with the Municipality of Beja (CMB), for the construction of a new student residence in the city of Beja was selected to move to the 2nd phase of the program.

A decisão sobre o projeto, foi conhecido O relatório do Painel Independente de Alto Nível de seleção das propostas apresentadas no âmbito do Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência – RE-CO2-106 investment – Affordable Student Accommodation, foi conhecido na passada sexta-feira, day 25 March.

A proposta do IPBeja é uma das 154 “Manifestações de Interesse” selecionadas para admissão à 2.ª fase do programa, para a qual não foram consideradas 47 propostas por não preencherem os exigentes requisitos. O total das 154 manifestações de interesse selecionadas para admissão à 2.ª fase do programa, represent, taken together, um total de financiamento aproximadamente de 475M€, superior aos 375M€ previstos no programa de financiamento.

Recorde-se que a proposta do IPBeja representa um investimento de cerca 15M€ para a construção de uma residência com 503 beds in the city of Beja on land provided by the municipality next to the Instituto Campus.

A 2.ª fase do programa reveste-se de um carácter competitivo, and, apesar da pontuação obtida na avaliação da “Manifestação de Interesses” (4.2 in 5 values, o que corresponde ao 6.º lugar entre as 154 Manifestações de Interesse selecionadas) não contar para a avaliação na 2.ª fase, o IPBeja considera que esta classificação é um bom indicador da qualidade da proposta.

Em função desta análise, o IPBeja através da equipa técnica responsável por este processo, da qual faz parte a CMB, irá preparar a candidatura e respetiva submissão a financiamento no período que decorre entre 15 April and 2 May, acreditando que o sucesso do pedido de financiamento para a construção da uma nova residência irá permitir reforçar a atratividade do Instituto e da cidade de Beja para alunos, investigadores e professores.

IPBeja revealed to Lidador Notícias that “in the face of various protocols, the institution has

Atualmente os Serviços de Apoio Social/SAS-IPBeja, offer 416 beds in 7 IPBeja revealed to Lidador Notícias that “in the face of various protocols, the institution has:

IPBeja revealed to Lidador Notícias that “in the face of various protocols, the institution has– sita na Praceta Diário do Alentejo – Beja, offering 53 double rooms, 8 IPBeja revealed to Lidador Notícias that “in the face of various protocols, the institution has 2 single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs, providing a total of 132 Beds;

single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs– sita na Rua Manuel Gomes Serrano – Beja, offering 69 double rooms, 2 single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 1 single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs, providing a total of 142 Beds;

single rooms for students with Special Educational Needssingle rooms for students with Special Educational Needs. single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 53 – Beja, offering 15 double rooms and 5 single rooms, providing a total of 31 Beds;

single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs– Historical Center – single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 1 – A Beja, offering 13 bedrooms, of which 9 single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 4 single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs, providing a total of 35 single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs.

single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs– single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs. single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 64 – Beja, offering 23 double rooms, single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 46 Beds.

single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 6 – Beja, providing a total of 13 Beds.

single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs. Brissos single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs- Beja, offering 5 IPBeja revealed to Lidador Notícias that “in the face of various protocols, the institution has 1 single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs, providing a total of 17 places.

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