IPBeja: school begins today with the reception of new students.

The Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja) promote this monday, the reception session for new students at the institution, giving, so, start of the school year 2023/2024.

This initiative, IPBeja aims to inform students that, now, arrive at the institution, the institutional aspect of the organization, its management bodies, pedagogical and academic, as, services and support that the institution provides to students.

The program starts at 10:30 hours, next to the main entrance of each school where new students are welcomed by the respective direction and course coordination. During the afternoon of this first day of integration activities for new students, a series of moments are scheduled.

From the new student integration program, several initiatives are part of, such as, a Welcome Session Erasmus Student, on 19 of September, the Procession of Candles, day 26 of September, the Academic Parade, a 28 of September, a talent show from IPBeja and a concert with the artist Papillon, day 11 October. The program ends today 7 November, with IPBeja Day.

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