According to data released by the Ministry of Science, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior o Instituto Politécnico de Beja (IPBeja) tem mais quatro vagas para o Concurso Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino Superior Público de 2021.
For the dissemination made through the Directorate-General for Higher Education, No IPBeja, have this year 525 vacancies, mais quatro do que no concurso de 2020.
The School of Technology and Management (evening), é a única com mais vagas do que no ano anterior, as quatro no curso de Turismo, in total 214, the Agrarian School (THIS IS TO) has 125 vacancies and Health (ESS) 60 e a Escola Superior de Educação (THAT) have this year 126 vacancies.
Under the general access regime 2021 a total number of 52.242 vagas e 721 places for local competitions, in a total number of 52963 vacancies,
School Land / 4 courses: 125 (2021)/ 125 (2020): Agronomy: 50/ 50, Environmental Engineering: 25/ 25, Science and Technology Food: 25/ 25 e tecnologÃas BioanalÃticas: 25/ 25.
School of Education / 4 courses: 126 (2021)/ 126 (2020): Audiovisual and Multimedia: 26/ 26, Social Service: 50/ 50, Sports: 30/ 30 and Basic Education: 20/ 20.
School of Technology and Management / 6 courses: 214 (2021)/ 210 (2020): Solicitors (education system the distance): 37/37, Computer Engineering: 60/ 60, Business management: 31/ 31, Solicitors: 30/ 30, Tourism: 36/ 32 and Business Management (after working time): 20/ 20.
School of Health / 2 courses: 60 (2021)/ 60 (2020): Occupational Therapy: 25/ 25 and Nursing: 35/ 35.
The application deadline for the 1st phase of the national competition for access to public higher education runs from 6 a 20 August, The application must be submitted through the online system, on the website of the Directorate-General for Higher Education (DGES) on the Internet ( To access the application system, candidates can use authentication with the citizen card or digital mobile key.
Teixeira Correia