IPBeja: Proposed to the General Council the names of the new directors of the schools.

In a statement addressed to “the entire Academic Community”, the president of the Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja) made known the names of the names chosen for directors of the four schools. They will be presented on Monday to the General Council.

After the crisis that took place every day 5 December 2022, with the resignation of the directors and deputy directors of the four Higher Schools of the Polytechnic and the inconclusive meeting of the General Council of 13 January, the president of the institution mentions in the statement that “I address all of you to convey words of serenity and confidence in the future of IPBeja, renewing the desire for stability, unity and growth of our academic community”, justified.

No document, Maria de Fatima Carvalho (na photos) begins by “thanking and acknowledging the work, the competence and sense of responsibility of colleagues who, for now, cease their functions as directors of the Institute”, ensuring afterwards that “the future, I believe, it will also be made of them and with them”, later justifying that “I already proposed to the General Council, in respect for the bodies of the Institution the names of the new directors”, revealing later that: for the Higher School of Health, Professor Ana Maria Grego Dias Sobral Canhestro; for the Higher School of Education, Professor Maria Inês de Campos de Sousa Faria; for the Higher School of Agriculture, Professor Maria João Barata de Carvalho; and for the Higher School of Technology and Management, Professor Isidro Lourenço Rodrigues Góis Féria.

The closing of the statement, Maria de Fatima Carvalho, concludes by assuring that “in this way, and with everyone, conditions are in place that will allow us to face the future with hope, in an Institute that wants to be plural, responsible and motivated, concluded.

It is recalled that last day 14 January, after the meeting of the General Council, Lidador Notícias spoke to a source who is part of the same who revealed that “we were two hours from stone. We gave a favorable opinion on the dismissal/exoneration of the eight resigned. A new meeting was scheduled for the next day. 6 Feb., where the president will present the new directors and deputy directors by appointees”, concluded.

Teixeira Correia


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