IPBeja: Welcome to new students marks the beginning of the Academic Year.

The Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja) promotes, starting this Thursday 12 of September, the 1st integration activity for new students, under the organization of IPBeja students, um Peddy Paper, starting at 14.00 hours, Campus not IPBeja, thus marking the start of the School Year 2024/25.

Next Monday, day 16 of September, the program continues, to 10:30 hours, next to the main entrance of each school where new students are welcomed by the respective direction and course coordination.

This initiative, IPBeja aims to inform students that, now, arrive at the institution, the institutional aspect of the organization, its management bodies, pedagogical and academic, as, services and support that the institution provides to students.

During the afternoon of the day 16, with the aim of integrating new students, a series of moments are scheduled.

To 15:00 hours, in the Common Services hall I, A welcome kit will be given to undergraduate students.

A partir das 15:30 hours, in auditorium I, from the same building, a welcome reception is held by the President of IPBeja, Prof. Doctor Maria de Fátima Carvalho and the Mayor of Beja, Dr. Paul Arsenio. It follows, by 16:00 hours, a unified presentation of the services and support provided by IPBeja to students. The initiative in auditorium I, of the Common Services building I, ends at 16:30 hours followed by the performance of the IPBeja Academic Tunas.

A partir das 17.00 hours, Sunset IPBeja will take place, which promises to mark the first contact with the academic community. this initiative, in addition to welcoming and welcoming new students, also intends to contribute to its full integration, not only in academic life, but in the city and region that receives them. The aim is to bring the entire community together (students, teaching and non-teaching staff) a time socializing.

All reception and welcome activities take place within the scope of the Impulso Mais Digital project, whose main objective is the reception and integration of new students, as a measure of the Program to Promote Success and Reduce Dropout in Higher Education, thus considering it a communication instrument adapted to the needs of IPBeja's target audience.

From the new student integration program, several initiatives are part of, such as, a Welcome Session Erasmus Student, on 17 of September, Solidarity Day for 18 of September, the Candlelight Procession on the day 24 of September, the Academic Parade to 26 of September, a talent show from IPBeja dia 8 October. The program ends today 12 November, with the celebrations of IPBeja's 45th anniversary.

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