IPBeja: student residences, what a future ?

The Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja) want to build a new student residence. What does the institution intend to do with the seven existing ones? ? There is talk of leasing to the agricultural sector. The questions went unanswered.

In partnership with the City of Beja (CMB), IPBeja presented a “Expression of Interest” within the scope of the Recovery and Resilience Plan – RE-CO2-106 investment – Affordable Student Accommodation, whose was selected for the 2nd phase, aiming at the construction of a new student residence in the city of Beja.

The IPBeja proposal represents an investment of around €15M for the construction of a residence with 503 beds in the city of Beja, on land ceded by the municipality next to the Instituto Campus. Currently, the institution has 7 residences with 416 Beds (see at the end of the news).

The Lidador News (LN) sent an email to the Image and Communication Office (GICom) from IPBeja to understand what the future of the current facilities will be, if the construction of the new residence is a reality, since, according to the institution's source, the objective is "leasing to third parties, outside the institute, namely, to persons or companies linked to the agricultural sector”.

To GICom we asked the following questions: The seven residences are owned by IPBeja or are some of them rented ?. If the new residence is to be built, what will be the destination to be given to the seven existing ones ? Be in possession of the institution and rent them directly or rent to third parties (temporary work companies or other) ? and Sell to third parties ?

More than a month has passed, the IPBeja did not provide any clarifications to the questions raised.

It remains to be seen whether the IPBeja proposal is accepted and the new residence is built., for later, eventually know the future of the seven existing residences, scattered around the city of Beja and in the village of São Brissos.

IPBeja revealed to Lidador Notícias that “in the face of various protocols, the institution has

According to the website, the Social Support Services/SAS-IPBeja, offer 416 beds in 7 IPBeja revealed to Lidador Notícias that “in the face of various protocols, the institution has:

IPBeja revealed to Lidador Notícias that “in the face of various protocols, the institution hasIPBeja revealed to Lidador Notícias that “in the face of various protocols, the institution has 7800-271 Beja, offering 53 double rooms, 8 IPBeja revealed to Lidador Notícias that “in the face of various protocols, the institution has 2 single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs, providing a total of 132 Beds;

single rooms for students with Special Educational Needssingle rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 7800-384 Beja, offering 69 double rooms, 2 single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 1 single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs, providing a total of 142 Beds;

single rooms for students with Special Educational Needssingle rooms for students with Special Educational Needs. single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 53 – 7800 – 453 Beja, offering 15 double rooms and 5 single rooms, providing a total of 31 Beds;

single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs– Historical Center – single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 1 single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 7800-477 Beja, offering 13 bedrooms, of which 9 single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 4 single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs, providing a total of 35 single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs.

single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs– single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs. single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 64 – 7900-511 Beja, offering 23 double rooms, single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 46 Beds.

single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs 6 – 7800-495 Beja, providing a total of 13 Beds.

single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs. Brissos single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs- 7800- Beja, offering 5 IPBeja revealed to Lidador Notícias that “in the face of various protocols, the institution has 1 single rooms for students with Special Educational Needs, providing a total of 17 places.

Teixeira Correia


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