IPBeja: Solemn session of the 44th anniversary celebration.

The Polytechnic Institute of Beja celebrates its 44th anniversary today, the day being marked with a Solemn Session and Opening of the Academic Year 2023/24.

From 2:15 pm in the Common Services auditorium I, the Solemn Session to celebrate the 44th anniversary of IPBeja and the Opening of the Academic Year will begin 23/24.

There will be interventions by the presidents of the Academic Association, Town Council, General and IPBeja Council.

The wisdom prayer will be given by Vasco Matos Trigo, followed by the delivery of scholarships and school prizes.

Those who fulfill 25 years of service at the Institute and also the (as) who retired in 2023.

There will be a musical moment by Poli’Cante, institution's choral group, with the closing of the Solemn Session scheduled for 16,50 hours.

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