Justice: Start of trial of former Chega elected official for attempted murder.

Starts this Tuesday at the Beja Court, before a Collective of Judges, the trial of Vítor Ramalho, of 56 year old, a former elected member of the party arrives at the Parish Council of Póvoa de São Miguel, in the municipality of Moura.

He is accused of the crime of simple murder, the attempted form, using a firearm.

The case occurred on the day 8 October 2021, when the person elected in the municipal elections of 2021, fired two shots at a Swedish family, the first in Póvoa de São Miguel and the second in Amareleja, where the driver fled in fear. The defendant resigned from his position thirteen days after the events.

During the investigation, the Judicial Police (PJ) “concluded that the defendant committed nine crimes of attempted qualified murder”, however, claimed that there was “insufficient evidence regarding the number of crimes”. The MP only accused him of one crime.

The PJ found that “the victim's vehicle had a hole in it. 0,3 centimeters in diameter and several marks typical of shots with shotgun shell cartridges.”, but no passengers were injured. In a statement, the police explained that the victims were “a couple of Swedish citizens and seven minor children, aged 11 years and 3 months” and that the shots were fired “apparently out of racial hatred”, but the MP's accusation made no reference to these facts.

Despite being a holder of a European firearms card, have a license to use and carry a weapon and have all weapons legalized, one month after being brought before a Criminal Investigation Judge, the Court of Moura, for first interrogation and, have been freed, the defendant sold the 13 firearms he owned, to a gunsmith, in Monte Trigo, county Portel.

Teixeira Correia


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