Justice: Beja's Public Ministry appeals penalties applied to illegal immigration network.

The Public Prosecutor's Office appeals to the Court of Appeal of Évora and asks for the conviction of an illegal immigration network and the loss of assets worth almost 7 million. Group was convicted in December last year but MP finds penalties lenient.

The Public Ministry (MP) de Beja wants the head of the immigrant labor network to be sentenced to double the prison sentence and the loss of assets worth 6.825.297,90 euros resulting from illicit activity. The request is included in the MP's appeal to the Court of Appeal of Évora (THREE) where its origin is invoked and the revocation of the rejection of the request for extended confiscation of assets and non-arrest of the same decided in the judgment is requested.

On 8 December 2020, Florin Adamescu, 46 year old, Romanian native, was convicted by a Panel of Judges (CJ) from the Court of Beja to 4 years and 9 months of effective imprisonment, in legal height, having been acquitted of 58 crimes to aid illegal immigration and 58 trafficking in persons and a criminal association. Non-conviction for these crimes, led to the CJ having determined the "dismissal of the request for declaration of confiscation of assets" presented by the MP) in the indictment because the defendants "have not been convicted of crimes covering this decision", for what determined the return of the almost 7 million euros to the defendant.

Another five men were sentenced to between 1 year and 6 months and 3 years and 6 months, suspended in its execution, having two women been acquitted. two companies, owned by two of the defendants, were condemned, each one of them, to a penalty of 500 fine days, at the rate of 150 euros/ dia, not the total value of 75.000 euros.

The trial was held in the Noble Hall of the former Civil Government (na photos), the first in the last 25 year old, given the number of defendants, witnesses and lawyers, given the limitations generated by the pandemic.

In the appeal, the MP asks for the aggravation of the concrete measure of the sentences for all the defendants, conviction for criminal association and loss of assets and maintenance of their arrest, prosecutor António Marcante justifying that "the judgment incurs in an incurable contradiction of the reasoning and of the facts given as unproven" stating that "there was an organized structure set up by the defendant Florin", finished.

The MP asks the sentences of imprisonment and fines decided by the CJ to be doubled. For Florin, a penalty of 8 years and 6 months in prison and that each company be sentenced to pay 135.000 euros.

In resources for TRE, the defendants' lawyers ask for the acquittal of their clients or imprisonment sentences much lower than those decided by the Collective, but all suspended and in other cases the maintenance of the appealed decision, for having been acquitted

Last month February, Constantin Rotaru left Portugal for uncertain whereabouts and the court sent a rogatory letter to the Romanian authorities. Last, and Vorel Sorin, who has not been tried for being in an unknown whereabouts, and who is accused of 58 aid of crimes against illegal immigration, one of criminal association and one of fraudulent introduction of qualified consumption and its Burgovisionário company, were in the past day 8 March, declared constant.

Real convicts and the requests in the appeal

Collective of Judges: Convicted six defendants in a total of 17 years and 9 months in prison, with three to see suspended sentences upon payment of 8.994,59 euros, absolved two women and dismissed the request for extended confiscation of property in the amount of 6.825.297,90 euros and their seizure. Two companies were sentenced to fines in the total amount of 150.000 euros.

prosecutors: He asks for the conviction of seven of the defendants in a total of 30 years and 8 months in prison, with three to see suspended sentences upon payment of 8.994,59 euros, the acquittal of a woman and the widespread loss of property worth 6.825.297,90 euros and their seizure. That the two companies be sentenced to fines in the total amount of 270.000 euros.

Teixeira Correia


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