(Updated) Justice: tender procedure for admission to the career of official staff group.
The Government launched a tender procedure for the constitution of recruitment reserves for entry into careers officer staff group justice. The current interns are out of the competition.
Por despacho do diretor Geral da Administração da Justiça, LuÃs Borges Freitas, 9 January 2017, II published in the Official Gazette Series, It was published the announcement of the opening of the admission procedure for admission to the career of official staff group justice.
Aquilo que à primeira vista parecia ser um concurso que se destinava a aproveitar os estagiários “Law graduates or Solicitors, who have completed – the secretariats of the Courts, in the prosecution service or procedural recovery teams – the Professional Internship Program in Central Administration (PPQ), and obtained use with evaluation not less than 14 values, considering complete the stage that has been effective for one year”, como refere a alinea a) point 9.3, of the notice tender, It became a disappointment for those interested in the contest.
It is that the deadline for applications is 15 working days, counted from the date of publication of this notice, in other words, ends at 16 de fevereiro e os estagiários só concluem o estágio no final do mês, what happens now after the closing of entries.
(Update): Has learned the Lidador News, the stage should have started in October 2016, It was delayed for various reasons, one of which lack of funds, only began 6 months later, which now turns out to be decisive, the negative for trainees. There is talk of the time response of the stage time count, since the postponements, They were beyond his control.
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