Legislative 2022: campaign schedule for 28 January.

The water supply to populations in Alentejo is not threatened by drought, The water supply to populations in Alentejo is not threatened by drought, for Legislative Elections 30 January, to elect deputies to the Assembly of the Republic.

Campaign Agenda of the competing parties for the Círculo de Beja, who did the same made it to Lidador Notícias:

PS: As ações de campanha concentra-se na cidade de Beja. 18h00: Grande Arruada de Encerramento de Campanha (Concentração no Largo do Museu Rainha D.Leonor).

PSD: As ações de campanha decorrerão nos concelhos de Vidigueira, Alvito and Beja. 10h00: Vidigueira, 12h00: Alvito e de Tarde: Beja.

BE: Campanha nos concelhos de Cuba e Ferreira do Alentejo. Concentração às 10h30 em Cuba, seguindo-se Faro do Alentejo – Peroguarda – Alfundão – Ferreira (visita à Câmara?) – Odivelas – Figueira de Cavaleiros.

Legislative Results

2009: Subscribers: 138.251, voters: 82.183-55,44%. PS: 28.619 votes-34.82%- 2 MEPs (Luís Pita Ameixa e Fernando Medina), CDU: 23.771 votes-28.92%-1 deputy (José Soeiro) and PSD: 12.056 votes-14.67%-0 deputies.

2011: Subscribers: 135.739, voters: 74.882-55,17%. PS: 22.308 votes-29.79%- 1 congressperson (Luis Pita Plum), CDU: 19.011 votes-25.39%-1 deputy (John Ramos) and PSD: 17.711 votes-23.65%-1 deputy (Carlos coins).

2015: Subscribers: 128.926, voters: 74.485-57,77%. PS: 27.775 37.29%-votes- 1 congressperson (Pedro do Carmo), CDU: 18.592 votes-24.96%-1 deputy (John Ramos) and PSD/CDS: 14.980 votes-20.11%-1 deputy (Nilza Sena).

2019: Subscribers: 122.987, voters: 64.269-52,26%. PS: 26.161 votes-40.71%-2 deputies (Pedro do Carmo and Telma Guerreiro), CDU: 14.655 votes-22.80%-1 deputy (João Dias) and PSD: 8.544 votes-13.29%-0 deputies.

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