Legislative 2022: Subscribers 1.221 citizens in early voting in Beja.

Only 36% of 1.221 subscribers are voters of the municipality of Beja. In Portugal today they exercise their right to vote 315.785 citizens.

In the João Serra Magalhães Pavilion, the 5 polling stations for exercise, during tomorrow sunday 23/01, of “Mobility vote” of voters who register to exercise this right in Beja.

In total, they signed up 1.221 citizens being that 781 are voters in the municipality of Beja and will vote in sections n.â° 1, 2 and 3, and the remaining 440 registered are from all other municipalities in the country and will vote in sections n.â° 4 and 5.

The 781 voters who today exercise their right to vote in advance correspond to 2,71% of 28.777 voters registered in the last municipal elections.

In the five days that registrations were open, 315.785 citizens expressed the desire to exercise the right to vote in early mobility. Readers who signed up to vote today, Readers who signed up to vote today, Readers who signed up to vote today 30.

Readers who signed up to vote today 24.00 Hour Sunday, Readers who signed up to vote today, Readers who signed up to vote today, Readers who signed up to vote today, Readers who signed up to vote today 25 and 26 Readers who signed up to vote today.

Readers who signed up to vote today.

Teixeira Correia


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