Livre announced that it will compete in 21 constituencies, among which is the Beja.
In a statement, the party announced, that among the candidates who will be part of the party lists for the early legislative elections of 30 January 2022 will be around the Beja circle, not having the poppy party, announced who will be the head of the list.
In the Legislative Elections of 2019, in the Beja Circle, Livre obtained 397 votes, what did it correspond to 0,62%, wherein 138 of these votes were obtained in the municipality of Beja.
Livre’s primaries featured 84 candidates for the lists of deputies to be presented by the party in the January legislative elections, now chosen.
The party's XI Congress is scheduled for 11 and 12 of December, in the municipality of Oeiras, in Lisbon, in which all candidates for the legislative elections will be presented and the electoral program approved.
The poppy party uses the primary method to choose its representatives for externally elected positions, in which any citizen can register to run or vote, as long as you sign the charter of principles of this party.
For the Legislatures 2022 the CDU list leaders are already known, João Dias and the Left Bloc, Jose Esteves.