Legislative 24: Polling stations in the municipality of Beja. District lists and results.

In the municipality of Beja there are 47 The District of Beja is getting ready to have 8 e as 19 hours. The District of Beja is getting ready to have 14 applications, The District of Beja is getting ready to have 15. Also discover the results from 2009.

In 12 Parishes and Parish Unions in the municipality of Beja for 47 polling stations and those with the most polling stations and voters are the two Parish Unions in the city of Beja, Santiago Maior and São João Baptista with 16 sections and Salvador and Santa Maria da Feira with 12 sections.

Want to know where to vote?

To know where you will vote, can access the page https://www.recenseamento.mai.gov.pt.

You can access data about your polling station, with the following steps: enter the citizen's card number, the date of birth (year month day) and the code that appears in the table. Then click on search and your data will appear.

Via mobile phone: send an SMS to the no. 3838 com RE (SPACE) Civil Identification Number (SPACE) Birth date, no format YYYYMMDD Ex. RE 987897987 20021225

VOTING TABLES IN BEJA COUNTY (https://cm-beja.pt/pt/17529/editais.aspx)

Beja / Salvador and Santa Maria da Feira (12 polling stations): Voting Places: Sections 1 and 2-School of the Savior Building, Sections 3 and 4-Civil Government Building, Sections 5 and 6-Social Security Building, Sections 7 and 8-Cine-Teatro Pax Júlia Building, Sections 9 and 10-Group Nº1-Escola de Santa Maria, Sections 11 and 12-School Center of Santa Maria.

Beja / Santiago Maior and São João Baptista (16 polling stations): Voting Places: Sections 1 and 2-School of Santiago Maior, Section 3-Lidador Social Center, Sections 4 and 5-Building of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia, Section 6-Paços do Concelho Building (Town Council), Section 7-Building of the Casa do Povo-Penedo Gordo, Sections 8 and 9-Diogo de Gouveia Secondary School, Sections 10 and 11-Former building of Primary School No. 1, Sections 12 and 13-D. Manuel I Secondary School, Sections 14 and 15-Park of Fairs and Exhibitions (Ovibeja) and Section 16-Regional Conservatory of Baixo Alentejo (in front of City Hall).

Baleizão (1 polling station): Voting Location: Section 1-Building of the Casa do Povo.

Beringel (2 polling stations): Voting Places: Section 1-Former Primary School Building and Section 2-Former Primary School Building.

Fat Head (2 voting sections): Voting Places: Section 1-Building of the Casa do Povo and Section 2-Building of the Primary School.

Our Lady of the Snows (3 voting sections): Voting Places: Section 1-Meeting Room of the Parish Assembly, Section 2-Primary School Building and Section 3-Former Primary School Building-Vila Azedo.

Rescued and Quintos (3 polling stations): Voting Places: Section 1- Parish Council Building-Salvada, Section 2-Building of the Parish Council-Salvada and Section 3-Building of the Casa do Povo-Quintos.

Santa Clara de Louredo (1 voting section): Voting Places: Section 1-Building of the Social Center.

Santa Vitória e Mombeja (2 polling stations): Voting Places: Section 1-Santa Vitória Social Center and Section 2-Meeting Room of Parish Council-Mombeja.

Matthias (1 voting section): Voting Places: Section 1- Parish Council Building.

U.F. Albernoa and Trindade (2 polling stations): Voting Places: Section 1-Building of the EB1 School of Albernoa and Section 2-Building of the Parish Council-Trindade.

Trigaches and São Brissos (2 voting sections): Voting Places: Section 1-Building of the Parish Council-Trigaches and Section 2-Building of the Parish Council-São Brissos.

The polling stations will be open between 8 e as 19 Non-Continent hours. For vote, just indicate your name and present your citizen's card or other official document that contains a photo.

They are 14 candidacies that go to the vote in the district of Beja.

In 14 validated lists 76 candidates, between staff and substitutes, 36 of which the so-called “parachutist” candidates (47,46 %) cannot vote for your candidacy because they are registered outside the Beja district.

Order in Voting Papers in 10 March

Although the court rejected the Alternative 21. The name of the coalition will appear on the ballot papers.

1-Former Portugal VP, 2-Unitary Democratic Coalition-CDU, 3-Book-L, 4-Left Bloc-BE, 5-People, Animals and Nature-PAN, 6-Alternativa 21-MPT.A, 7-National Democratic Alternative-ADN, 8-To react, Include, Recycle-RIR, 9-Iniciatica Liberal-IL, 10-Socialist Party-PS, 11-Democratic Alliance-PPD/PSD, CDS / PP, PPM, 12-Chega-CH, 13-Rise up, 14-Communist Party of Portuguese Workers-PCTP/MRPP and 15-Nova Direita-ND.

Legislative Results

2009: Subscribers: 138.251, voters: 82.183-55,44%. PS: 28.619 votes-34.82%- 2 MEPs (Luís Pita Ameixa e Fernando Medina), CDU: 23.771 votes-28.92%-1 deputy (José Soeiro) and PSD: 12.056 votes-14.67%-0 deputies.

2011: Subscribers: 135.739, voters: 74.882-55,17%. PS: 22.308 votes-29.79%- 1 congressperson (Luis Pita Plum), CDU: 19.011 votes-25.39%-1 deputy (John Ramos) and PSD: 17.711 votes-23.65%-1 deputy (Carlos coins).

2015: Subscribers: 128.926, voters: 74.485-57,77%. PS: 27.775 37.29%-votes- 1 congressperson (Pedro do Carmo), CDU: 18.592 votes-24.96%-1 deputy (John Ramos) and PSD/CDS: 14.980 votes-20.11%-1 deputy (Nilza Sena).

2019: Subscribers: 122.987, voters: 64.269-52,26% (Abst-47.74%). PS: 26.161 votes-40.71%-2 deputies (Pedro do Carmo and Telma Guerreiro), CDU: 14.655 votes-22.80%-1 deputy (João Dias) and PSD: 8.544 votes-13.29%-0 deputies.

2022: Subscribers: 120.204, voters: 53.358-55,86, abstention: 44,14 %. PS: 29.533 votes-43.73 %- 2 MEPs (PS victory in Beja district with), CDU: 12.442 votes-18.82 %- 1 congressperson (João Dias) and PSD: 10.767-15,94 %- 0 MEPs.

Teixeira Correia


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