Legislative 24: Almost 50% of votes in the Beja district “went to waste”.

Almost 1,2 millions of votes were not used to elect deputies, are considered votes “thrown in the trash”. In the case of Beja district 48,4% are among the votes that were not used to elect deputies.

The Beja Electoral Circle is the second in the country where the most votes were wasted, with 48,4%, only having been overtaken by Portalegre with 49,5%.

Of 76.998 validly expressed in the district of Beja, 37.265 votes “went in the trash”, because there is no Compensation Circle.

According to a study by mathematician Henrique Oliveira, from Instituto Superior Técnico (IS), more than 1.166.263 votes without representation in the country, adding the remains of all the electoral districts analyzed (20 corresponding to the national territory). Stands for 19,5% of valid votes”, indicates the analysis.

According to the analysis of the results, the PS was the most efficient party because it elected in all circles until now, leaving only remains of 7,6% of your vote, having a conversion rate of 92,4% of votes in mandates, closely followed by AD. At the other extreme, PAN can only convert 20,6% of their votes in mandates.

Henrique Oliveira highlights the case of the vote obtained by the AD coalition (PSD, CDS e PPM) in Portalegre district, where 14.132 votes he obtained were not used to elect a deputy.

“It should be noted that the record circles for the percentage of remains compared to their vote are Portalegre with 49,5%, following up Beja with 48,4%, the Guard circle comes in third place with 38,7%, circles with three or fewer mandates assigned”, concerns. The wood “has high remains compared to the vote” (39.1%) due to the Juntos Pelo Povo party, which is a regional phenomenon, also indicates the study.

According to the study, the main political forces were wasted — without counting towards the election of deputies – more than 100 thousand votes each: more than 144 no case from AD, 132 thousand no PS, 103 thousand in Chega, 124 mil na IL, 155 mil no BE, 107 mil in CDU, 105 in Free and 94 thousand no BREAD.

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